Die Grundlagen der Computerorganisation verstehen und die Arten von Anweisungen und die Organisation von Registern und Speicher identifizieren.Die Funktionen verschiedener Sprachen und Übersetzungen kennen.Die Beziehung zwischen Computeranweisungen und der Ausführung von Maschinencode kennen.Die Notwendigkeit verschiedener Arten von Computerorganisationen erkennen.Den Einfluss von Parallel- und Vektorverarbeitung verstehen.
Die Grundlagen der Computerorganisation verstehen und die Arten von Anweisungen und die Organisation von Registern und Speicher identifizieren.Die Fun...
This course is intended to provide the students with an overall view overSoftware Engineering discipline and with insight into the processes of software development. Introduces the concepts and methods required for the construction of large software intensive systems. Gets the idea of choosing the Requirements in Software Engineering. Gives an understanding the concept of Data Engineering. To impart knowledge on Testing and Debugging. To impart knowledge on Testing and Debugging.
This course is intended to provide the students with an overall view overSoftware Engineering discipline and with insight into the processes of softwa...
To examine fundamental XML technology to understand the use of web services in B2C and B2B applications.To understand the use of JSON to understand the design principles and application of SOAP and REST based web services.To gain an understanding about the role of web services in commercial applications To learn the emerging standard protocols like SOAP, WSDL and UDDI.To introduce the role of web services in CMS.
To examine fundamental XML technology to understand the use of web services in B2C and B2B applications.To understand the use of JSON to understand th...
Ce cours vise à donner aux étudiants une vue d'ensemble de la discipline du génie logiciel et un aperçu des processus de développement de logiciels.la discipline du génie logiciel et un aperçu des processus de développement de logiciels.Il introduit les concepts et les méthodes nécessaires à la construction de grands systèmes à forte intensité logicielle. Il donne l'idée du choix des exigences en génie logiciel. Permet de comprendre le concept d'ingénierie des données. Transmet des connaissances sur les tests et le débogage. Transmet des connaissances sur les tests et le...
Ce cours vise à donner aux étudiants une vue d'ensemble de la discipline du génie logiciel et un aperçu des processus de développement de logicie...
This course aims to provide the students with a detailed knowledge on Mobile Application Development and Deployment about Android programming from basics to building mobile applications for digital world. To understand the basics of smart phones and android platforms. To understand the basic concepts of user interface related to app development. To understand the important of data persistence in mobile environment. To understand the various services and network facilities provided by android platform. To understand the various apps deployed and developed on by mobile platform.
This course aims to provide the students with a detailed knowledge on Mobile Application Development and Deployment about Android programming from bas...
To understand database concepts and database management system software and have a high-level understanding of major DBMS components and their function. To understand the E R model and relational model. To be able to write SQL commands to create tables and indexes, insert/update/delete data, and query data in a relational DBMS. To Understand Functional Dependency and Functional Decomposition. To understand the architecture of database management system and also understand the various different architecture such as server system architecture, parallel sytems and distributed database systems.
To understand database concepts and database management system software and have a high-level understanding of major DBMS components and their functio...
-To know the basis of Android application and development environment.-To able to develop simple and professional application.-To get ready for the job opportunity in mobile application development.-Students are able to know about the mobile application development environment.- Students are able to develop interface and design.- Students are able to use the techniques in Mobile Applications.Overall the students can able to learn the concepts of android development.
-To know the basis of Android application and development environment.-To able to develop simple and professional application.-To get ready for the jo...