Rubber dam provides a dry field, improved operator visibility and access, increased patient comfort and safety and infection control. Other methods of isolation can be economical, easy to use and effective for short period of time but they are ineffective if high volumes of fluid are present. Even though the concept of absolute isolation was developed more than 150 years ago and despite its widely acknowledged benefits, its use has been unfortunately rejected by many in the profession due to time for its placement, cost of equipment and materials, difficulty in use and patient acceptance....
Rubber dam provides a dry field, improved operator visibility and access, increased patient comfort and safety and infection control. Other methods of...
Kadu, Dr. Tanvi S., Kamat, Dr. Sharad, Nanjannawar, Dr. Girish
The potential always exists for development of a medical emergency in a medically compromised patient. Enough emphasis cannot be given to the importance of a detailed history taking. All dentists and dental office staff must be prepared to recognize and treat adverse responses using appropriate current guidelines. Although there is a huge range of systemic illnesses, this chapter focused on only selected conditions that need utmost care. Endodontic therapy rather than extraction, maybe the treatment of choice for medically compromised patients due to their health condition as well as...
The potential always exists for development of a medical emergency in a medically compromised patient. Enough emphasis cannot be given to the importan...
Makhijani, Dr. Divya, Kamat, Dr. Sharad, Hugar, Dr. Santosh
Mit dem Aufkommen des technologischen Fortschritts und dem Aufkommen neuer Gadgets, evidenzbasierter Zahnmedizin und wissenschaftlicherer Überlegungen sowie dem Das Konzept der maximalen Zahnheilkunde bei minimalen Besuchen führte zu einem erneuten Impuls für die Festlegung verschiedener Protokolle, die es Zahnärzten ermöglichen, dieEndodontie bei einem einzigen Besuch mit vernünftigen Ergebnissen durchzuführen . Mit den jüngsten Fortschritten hat sich die einmalige Endodontie alswirksame Behandlungsmethode erwiesen, die im Vergleich zur Therapie mit mehreren Besuchen nicht von den...
Mit dem Aufkommen des technologischen Fortschritts und dem Aufkommen neuer Gadgets, evidenzbasierter Zahnmedizin und wissenschaftlicherer Überlegunge...
Makhijani, Dr. Divya, Kamat, Dr. Sharad, Hugar, Dr. Santosh
With the advent of technological advancement and emergence of new gadgets, evidence-based dentistry and more scientific deliberations and the concept of maximum dentistry in minimum visits led to a resurgent impetus towards laying down of various protocols to enable dentists to venture into single visit endodontics with reasonable level of outcome. With recent advances single visit endodontics has been shown to be an effective treatment modality, which compared to multiple visit therapy and it does not deviate from achieving the objectives of proper biomechanical preparation, debridement,...
With the advent of technological advancement and emergence of new gadgets, evidence-based dentistry and more scientific deliberations and the concept ...
Makhijani, Dr. Divya, Kamat, Dr. Sharad, Hugar, Dr. Santosh
Avec l'avènement des progrès technologiques et l'émergence de nouveaux gadgets, la dentisterie basée sur des preuves et des délibérations plus scientifiques et le Le concept de dentisterie maximale en un minimum de visites a donné un nouvel élan à la mise en place de divers protocoles permettant aux dentistes de s'aventurer dans l'endodontie à visite unique avec un niveau de résultat raisonnable. Avec les progrès récents, l'endodontie à visite unique s'est avérée être une modalité de traitement efficace, qui, comparée à la thérapie à visites multiples, ne s'écarte pas...
Avec l'avènement des progrès technologiques et l'émergence de nouveaux gadgets, la dentisterie basée sur des preuves et des délibérations plus s...