The high dropout rates in undergraduate courses have become increasingly worrying in Brazil, this problem has generated losses both for the country, as for students and universities. In this context, the aim was to identify students with a tendency to dropout through a case study, conducted at the Federal University of Ceará, through data mining techniques and using historical data of students, in which experiments were conducted with two different scenarios, the first scenario having the total number of records with the division of records by unbalanced classes and the second scenario...
The high dropout rates in undergraduate courses have become increasingly worrying in Brazil, this problem has generated losses both for the country, a...
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, das Berufsprofil der Absolventen der Universidade Federal do Ceará, vor dem Eintritt in den Arbeitsmarkt. Die Studie wurde mit Hilfe der Technik der Wissensentdeckung (KDD) durchgeführt, mit Cluster-Analyse und deskriptiv, mit Hilfe von WEKA-Tool. Die Daten für diese Arbeit wurden mittels eines Fragebogens erhoben, der an eine Population von zweihundertneunundvierzig (249) Hochschulabsolventen verschickt wurde und auf den einhundertachtzehn (118) Antworten eingingen, was ungefähr siebenundvierzig Prozent (47,4%) der möglichen Antworten entspricht. Die...
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, das Berufsprofil der Absolventen der Universidade Federal do Ceará, vor dem Eintritt in den Arbeitsmarkt. Die Studie w...
L'objectif de ce travail était de connaître le profil professionnel des diplômés du Universidade Federal do Ceará, avant le marché du travail. L'étude a été menée en utilisant la technique de la découverte de connaissances (KDD), avec l'analyse par grappes et descriptive, à l'aide de l'outil WEKA. Les données de ce travail ont été recueillies au moyen d'un questionnaire appliqué à une population de deux cent quarante-neuf (249) diplômés et ayant obtenu cent dix-huit (118) réponses, soit environ quarante-sept virgule quatre pour cent (47,4%) des réponses possibles....
L'objectif de ce travail était de connaître le profil professionnel des diplômés du Universidade Federal do Ceará, avant le marché du travail. L...
The objective of this work was to know the professional profile of graduates of theFederal University of Ceará in the job market. The study was carried out using the technique of knowledge discovery (KDD), with cluster and descriptive analysis, with the help of the WEKA tool. The data for this work were collected through a questionnaire applied to a population of two hundred and forty-nine (249) graduates, and one hundred and eighteen (118) answers were obtained, approximately forty-seven point four percent (47.4%) of the possible answers. From the analyses, it was observed a strong tendency...
The objective of this work was to know the professional profile of graduates of theFederal University of Ceará in the job market. The study was carri...