Articulating anything is like carving statue. On building a statue, a sculptor does not keep on adding clay to his subjects, actually he keeps chiselling among at the unessential until the truth is revealed without obstructions. That is the articulator, though an important mechanical entity in itself, is meaningless unless that, occlusion functions in the mouth in harmony with biologic factors that regulate the mandibular activity of the patient. If it were practical to do so, the patient's mouth would be the best articulator. I would like to say, "Begin with, the end in mind: As is glossary...
Articulating anything is like carving statue. On building a statue, a sculptor does not keep on adding clay to his subjects, actually he keeps chisell...
Articuler quelque chose, c'est comme sculpter une statue. En construisant une statue, un sculpteur ne continue pas à ajouter de l'argile à ses sujets, mais il continue à ciseler l'essentiel jusqu'à ce que la vérité soit révélée sans obstruction. L'articulateur, bien qu'étant une entité mécanique importante en soi, n'a de sens que si l'occlusion fonctionne dans la bouche en harmonie avec les facteurs biologiques qui régulent l'activité mandibulaire du patient. S'il était pratique de le faire, la bouche du patient serait le meilleur articulateur. J'ai envie de dire : " Commencez...
Articuler quelque chose, c'est comme sculpter une statue. En construisant une statue, un sculpteur ne continue pas à ajouter de l'argile à ses sujet...
Klinische Anpassungsfähigkeit ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg in der prothetischen Behandlung geriatrischer Patienten. Ein Prothetiker muss in der Lage sein, aus einem breiten Wissensfundus zu schöpfen und aus verschiedenen Behandlungsmodalitäten diejenigen auszuwählen, die für den jeweiligen Patienten am besten geeignet sind. So kann eine Modifizierung der Standardverfahren innerhalb der Grenzen des medizinischen, funktionellen und psychologischen Status den Unterschied zwischen Erfolg und Misserfolg ausmachen.
Klinische Anpassungsfähigkeit ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg in der prothetischen Behandlung geriatrischer Patienten. Ein Prothetiker muss in der Lage...
The successful construction of long span fixed partial dentures and implant prosthesis depends on the accurate fabrication of the removable die. The removable die technique requires an accurate reproduction of the prepared tooth, the supporting soft tissues, the adjacent and the opposing teeth. The die system captures this necessary information so that it can be transferred to the laboratory. So, here in this book there is a detail information about die and the die systems used for the laboratory procedures in fixed prosthodontics.
The successful construction of long span fixed partial dentures and implant prosthesis depends on the accurate fabrication of the removable die. The r...
Clinical adaptability is the key to prosthodontic success with the geriatric patient. A prosthodontist must be able to draw from a broad base of knowledge and select features from different treatment modalities that suit each patient best. Thus, modification to standard procedures within the limits of medical, functional and psychological status can make the difference between success and failure.
Clinical adaptability is the key to prosthodontic success with the geriatric patient. A prosthodontist must be able to draw from a broad base of knowl...