Emilie Mitchell, Joshua Moon Johnson, Lemuel W. Watson
LGBTQ+ advocacy and support continues to be a priority in the U.S. higher education, and recent research shows this as a critical population who continues to be marginalized and mistreated on college and university campuses. Over the last few decades there has been significant research describing how LGBTQ students experience higher education and highlighting that these students are not graduating or succeeding at the same rates as the general population. However, few if any research studies or articles address LGBTQ advocacy on community college campuses. There are more than 1,000 community...
LGBTQ+ advocacy and support continues to be a priority in the U.S. higher education, and recent research shows this as a critical population who conti...
Emilie Mitchell, Joshua Moon Johnson, Lemuel W. Watson
LGBTQ+ advocacy and support continues to be a priority in the U.S. higher education, and recent research shows this as a critical population who continues to be marginalized and mistreated on college and university campuses. Over the last few decades there has been significant research describing how LGBTQ students experience higher education and highlighting that these students are not graduating or succeeding at the same rates as the general population. However, few if any research studies or articles address LGBTQ advocacy on community college campuses. There are more than 1,000 community...
LGBTQ+ advocacy and support continues to be a priority in the U.S. higher education, and recent research shows this as a critical population who conti...