Set in New York City, Marci is a beautiful, smart young girl having the time of her life. When illness slowly takes her daddy, it takes the life out of her mother, sending her mother into a ghost like trance oblivious to her and her sister. Only a child, suddenly she finds herself in a strange adult world, a world of hunger and the unknown, of fears a six year old does not even understand. Homeless, living on the streets of New York City, she tries to keep her fragile family together while her total recall of images, sounds and objects fills her mind with haunting nightmares of her past and...
Set in New York City, Marci is a beautiful, smart young girl having the time of her life. When illness slowly takes her daddy, it takes the life out o...
Tormented by the death of his wife, Jack, a New York City homicide detective, takes a job as a small town chief of police with hopes of taking it easy and enjoying country life. Suddenly he finds himself in the middle of murder and a community that considers him an outsider. All the while, he is strangely attracted to a distrusting young woman who refuses to see beyond her wheelchair.
Tormented by the death of his wife, Jack, a New York City homicide detective, takes a job as a small town chief of police with hopes of taking it easy...
Happenstance is a story about a boy named Keith growing up in an upper middle class environment, suddenly finding himself in an environment that is outside his control due to unforeseen circumstances. Like a puzzle, chance and random events build upon one another and suddenly he is lost and alone in the Canadian Wilderness he once romanticized from story books and television. All too soon playing becomes terrifying. Starving and nearly frozen, he finds refuge in a cave. His only hope may be things he learned growing up that were out of his character, the very things others teased and...
Happenstance is a story about a boy named Keith growing up in an upper middle class environment, suddenly finding himself in an environment that is ou...
In a small Massachusetts town, a baby girl with magical powers is mysteriously left on a doorstep, raised by a woman old enough to be her grandmother. All the while, two groups are searching for the child, one wanting to own and control the child while another wants to destroy her. Her only hope may lie in two sisters, drawn deep inside a mystical world they never knew existed. One saved by a werewolf and the other ending up in a small Massachusetts town by dump luck, or is it fate.
In a small Massachusetts town, a baby girl with magical powers is mysteriously left on a doorstep, raised by a woman old enough to be her grandmother....