Whether stud or dud, hot dish or cold fish, you're never the same after you first "do the deed." But how wild, weird, or earth shattering was it for your neighbor, the person next to you on the bus, or your veterinarian? In How to Lose Your Virginity... and How Not To, compiled from 1,000 face-to-face interviews across North America, Shawn Wickens makes us transfixed voyeurs in scores of others' seminal "coming" of age moments. From Kelsie Testa in Jerk Magazine: "A compilation of shocking yet heartwarming tales of orifices, secretions, and vulgarity that pleasantly ends in an orgasm....
Whether stud or dud, hot dish or cold fish, you're never the same after you first "do the deed." But how wild, weird, or earth shattering was it for y...