The experiment was conducted at Experimental Research Farm,Department of Agricultural Entomology, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada KrishiVidyapeeth, Parbhani, during the kharif season of the year 2019-20 to studypopulation dynamics and bio-efficacy of biopesticides against major pests of chilli.The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with 7 treatmentsreplicated three times. The treatments comprised of T1 (Neem oil @ 5 ml/L), T2(NSKE 5% @ 5 g/L), T3 (Dashparni ark @ 6 ml/L), T4 (Beauveria bassiana @ 4g/L),T5 (Verticilium lecanii @ 4g/L) and T6 (Metarrhizium anisopliae @ 4 g/L) and...
The experiment was conducted at Experimental Research Farm,Department of Agricultural Entomology, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada KrishiVidyapeeth, Parbhani...
La présente enquête a été menée pour l'effet des néonicotinoïdes sur le comportement de butinage des abeilles mellifères sur le carthame au département d'entomologie agricole, College of Agriculture, Parbhani pendant rabi 2016-17.Cependant, les résultats ont révélé que la comparaison entre l'imidaclopride et l'acétamipride ont été trouvés que l'acétamipride était le plus sûr pour les abeilles mellifères par rapport à l'insecticide imidaclopride.L'intensité de la présence d'Apis indica, Apis florea, Apis mellifera, Apis dorsata, Trigona spp. et d'autres pollinisateurs a...
La présente enquête a été menée pour l'effet des néonicotinoïdes sur le comportement de butinage des abeilles mellifères sur le carthame au d...
The investigations on "Management of major insect pests of brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) was conducted on research farm of Department of Agricultural Entomology VNMKV, Parbhani during kharif 2018.The pest population was observed throughout period of In Seasonal incidence studies, Aphids population on brinjal ranged from 1.95 (32th SMW) to 1.00 (47th SMW) aphids/3 leaves. The peak incidence of 4.12 aphids/3 leaves was recorded in 35th SMW. Incidence of jassids started from 30th SMW (1.23 jassids/three leaves) which reached its 1st peak (8.7 jassids/ 3 ieaves) in 35th SMW and 2nd peak (8.45...
The investigations on "Management of major insect pests of brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) was conducted on research farm of Department of Agricultural...
The investigation son "Management of major insect pests of brinjal(Solanum melongena L.)was conducted on research farm of Department ofAgricultural Entomology VNMKV, Parbhani during kharif2018.The pest populationwas observed throughout period of kharif season In Seasonal incidence studies, Aphids population on brinjal ranged from 1.95 (32th SMW) to 1.00 (47th SMW) aphids/3 leaves. The peak incidence of 4.12 aphids/3 leaves was recorded in 35th SMW. Incidence of jassidsstartedfrom30th SMW (1.23jassids/three leaves)which reached its 1st peak (8.7 jassids/ 3ieaves) in 35th SMW and 2nd peak (8.45...
The investigation son "Management of major insect pests of brinjal(Solanum melongena L.)was conducted on research farm of Department ofAgricultural En...
The present investigation was carried out for the Effect of Neonicotinoids on foraging behaviour of honey bees on safflower at Department of Agriculture Entomology, College of Agriculture, Parbhani during rabi 2016-17.However results revealed that comparison between Imidacloprid and Acetamiprid were found that Acetamiprid was safest to honey bees as compared to Imidacloprid insecticide.The intensity of Apis indica, Apis florea, Apis mellifera, Apis dorsata, Trigona spp. and other pollinators were reached at its peak 10.00 - 12.00 hrs. The intensity of all the bees was found to be highest at...
The present investigation was carried out for the Effect of Neonicotinoids on foraging behaviour of honey bees on safflower at Department of Agricultu...
Die vorliegende Untersuchung wurde durchgeführt, um die Wirkung von Neonicotinoiden auf das Futtersuchverhalten von Honigbienen auf Färberdistel in der Abteilung für landwirtschaftliche Entomologie, College of Agriculture, Parbhani, während der Saison 2016-17 zu untersuchen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten jedoch, dass der Vergleich zwischen Imidacloprid und Acetamiprid ergab, dass Acetamiprid im Vergleich zum Insektizid Imidacloprid am sichersten für Honigbienen war.Die Intensität von Apis indica, Apis florea, Apis mellifera, Apis dorsata, Trigona spp. und anderen Bestäubern erreichte ihren...
Die vorliegende Untersuchung wurde durchgeführt, um die Wirkung von Neonicotinoiden auf das Futtersuchverhalten von Honigbienen auf Färberdistel in ...
The investigation entitled "Studies on host plant resistance against safflower aphid (Uroleucon compositae Theobald) was carried out at the Department of Agricultural Entomology, VNMKV, Parbhani, during rabi 2021-22.Seasonal incidence study revealed that, first incidence of Uroleucon compositae (Theobald) was observed during the 51st MW (5 aphids/5cm apical twig/plant).The aphid population increased gradually and reached peak reading of 234 aphids/5cm apical twig/ plant during 5th standard meteorological week.In screening studies, 15 safflower genotypes were screened against the safflower...
The investigation entitled "Studies on host plant resistance against safflower aphid (Uroleucon compositae Theobald) was carried out at the Department...
Screening of 14 genotypes were carried out of accessions screened one accession recorded aphid population of 71.33 aphids/5 cm twig with AII 0.80. These genotype SSF-17-04 were graded as highly resistance to safflower aphid. Ten germplasm accessions recorded aphid population of 91.01-116.11 aphids/5 cm on the apical shoot length and AII ranging from 1.46 to 1.73.The seed yield of safflower varied in all the treatment plots. The treatments with two foliar sprays of spinetoram11.70 SC and two foliar sprays of cyantraniliprole 10.26 OD were the most promising treatments which were found at par...
Screening of 14 genotypes were carried out of accessions screened one accession recorded aphid population of 71.33 aphids/5 cm twig with AII 0.80. The...