Once a drug is marketed, it leaves the secure and protected scientific environment of clinical trials and is free for consumption by the general public. At this point, most medicines will only have been tested for short-term safety and efficacy on a limited number of carefully selected individuals. A person with drug toxicity has accumulated too much of medication in the bloodstream. Hence, the need of Pharmacovigilance arises which includes, securing the early detection of new adverse reactions or patients subgroups of exceptional sensitivity; and introducing certain measures in order to...
Once a drug is marketed, it leaves the secure and protected scientific environment of clinical trials and is free for consumption by the general publi...
The purpose of the study was to find out the prevalence of Adverse drug reactions (ADR's) in the in-patient departments of General medicine, Pediatrics, Dermatology and to assess the knowledge, Attitude, Practice of Pharmacovigilance (KAP) and ADR reporting among health care members and to evaluate the impact of an educational intervention. An Observational Prospective Study was designed from February to July 2015 in which Prevalence of ADR was calculated. A total of 107 cases of ADR's were taken from 1334 patients. ADR's were evaluated for causality by WHO-UMC, Naranjo's scale, Severity by...
The purpose of the study was to find out the prevalence of Adverse drug reactions (ADR's) in the in-patient departments of General medicine, Pediatric...