M.H, Shankara, P, Dr. Naveen Kumar, A.S, Shashi Kiran
Die Entwicklung des Unternehmertums ist ein neuer Bereich unter den jungen Menschen des Landes. Die indische Wirtschaft. Heutzutage wird dem Unternehmertum große Aufmerksamkeit zuteil, da es durch die Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen und Wohlstand in vielerlei Hinsicht positiv zum Aufbau der Nation beiträgt. Das Unternehmertum spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Steigerung der nationalen Produktivität, der Verteilung der Wirtschaftskraft, dem Ausgleich der regionalen Entwicklung und der Schaffung von Möglichkeiten für Kreativität und Ideenfindung. Das Unternehmertum wird als ein wichtiger...
Die Entwicklung des Unternehmertums ist ein neuer Bereich unter den jungen Menschen des Landes. Die indische Wirtschaft. Heutzutage wird dem Unternehm...
Vulnerability to climate change is intimately related to poverty, as the poor are least able to respond to climatic stimuli. Further, certain regions of the world are more harshly affected by the effects of climate change than others. Generally speaking, vulnerability and ill effects of climate change are major issues for concern. For this reason, there is need for provisions to aid those countries which are thought to be most vulnerable and least competent to adapt. India is an agrarian country with around 70 per cent of its people depending directly or indirectly upon agriculture. But...
Vulnerability to climate change is intimately related to poverty, as the poor are least able to respond to climatic stimuli. Further, certain regions ...
M.H, Shankara, P, Dr. Naveen Kumar, A.S, Shashi Kiran
Le développement de l'esprit d'entreprise est une nouvelle arène parmi les jeunes du pays. L'économie indienne. Aujourd'hui, l'entrepreneuriat fait l'objet d'une grande attention, car il contribue positivement à la construction de la nation de plusieurs manières en générant de l'emploi et de la richesse. L'esprit d'entreprise joue un rôle important dans l'augmentation de la productivité nationale, la répartition du pouvoir économique, l'équilibre du développement régional, l'offre de possibilités de créativité et de génération d'idées. L'esprit d'entreprise est considéré...
Le développement de l'esprit d'entreprise est une nouvelle arène parmi les jeunes du pays. L'économie indienne. Aujourd'hui, l'entrepreneuriat fait...
M.H, Shankara, P, Dr. Naveen Kumar, A.S, Shashi Kiran
The Entrepreneurship development is an new arena among the youths of the country. The Indian economy. Now a day's entrepreneurship is getting a great deal of attention, as it contributes positively to nation building in a number of ways by generating employment and wealth. Entrepreneurship plays an important role in increasing national productivity, distribution of economic power, balancing regional development, providing avenues for creativity and idea generation. Entrepreneurship is considered as an important part of the national economy for creating and increasing employment opportunities...
The Entrepreneurship development is an new arena among the youths of the country. The Indian economy. Now a day's entrepreneurship is getting a great ...
Climate change is the biggest challenge troubling the entire world today and the widespread concern over the staggering effects of climate change, particularly in the agriculture sector, has become very serious.Change in climate will be best viewed through the increase in temperature, melting of ice and rapid rise in sea level. Such changes causes severe problems to human beings and other forms of life. It becomes common familiarity that the poor are likely to be hit hardest by climate change and the capacity to take action to climate change is the least in developing countries.Vulnerability...
Climate change is the biggest challenge troubling the entire world today and the widespread concern over the staggering effects of climate change, par...