In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat die unkontrollierte Verwendung von Kunststoffen für verschiedene Zwecke wie Verpackung, Transport, Industrie und Landwirtschaft sowohl in ländlichen als auch in städtischen Gebieten zu einem ernsten Problem der Entsorgung von Kunststoffabfällen und ihrer Verschmutzung geführt. Die effiziente Zersetzung von Plastiktüten dauert etwa hundert Jahre. Plastik verursacht nicht nur die Umweltverschmutzung und die globale Erwärmung, weil das Problem der Abfallentsorgung und der Aufschüttung von Land zunimmt, sondern setzt bei der Verbrennung auch CO2 und Dioxine...
In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat die unkontrollierte Verwendung von Kunststoffen für verschiedene Zwecke wie Verpackung, Transport, Industrie und Landw...
The Krishna and Godavari (East and West) districts of Andhra Pradesh, They have a flourishing agriculture and the farmers of these districts effectively use the mineral rich alluvium of the Krishna and Godavari deltas. The farmers extensively pump groundwater for irrigation and industries, resulting in excessive drawdown of freshwater. Also, saltwater intrusion is occurring along coast of these deltas due to over pumping. The nutrients generated by using fertilizers in agriculture are leaching subsurface as well as are discharging to the coast of Bay of Bengal. The project work is aimed at...
The Krishna and Godavari (East and West) districts of Andhra Pradesh, They have a flourishing agriculture and the farmers of these districts effective...
This research work represents a preliminary consider on self compacting concrete (SCC). SCC is a spilling strong mix, that can join under its very individual emerge weight. The basic fluid nature of SCC makes it sensible for putting in gravely structured conditions and in zones with a blocked stronghold. Fly ash can be used as a mineral admixture in concrete. Substitution of fly ash stays to bond in concrete. It is a widely adopted construction practice underlain by the aim to reduce CO2 emissions of cement production. In this examination, cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, water and...
This research work represents a preliminary consider on self compacting concrete (SCC). SCC is a spilling strong mix, that can join under its very ind...
Analyzing a G+4 residential building against gravity and seismic loads involves a comprehensive assessment of the building's structural integrity to determine its ability to withstand both types of loads. The first step in analyzing a G+4 residential building is to determine the building's load-carrying capacity. This involves calculating the maximum load that the building's structural elements, such as columns, beams, and slabs, can support without failure. This calculation takes into account the building's dimensions, the materials used, and the design of the structural elements. Gravity...
Analyzing a G+4 residential building against gravity and seismic loads involves a comprehensive assessment of the building's structural integrity to d...
Cementitious composites are the most used man-made materials in the world, with a global annual production quantum of 25 billion tonnes worldwide, contributing approximately 5% to the global greenhouse gas emissions. The manufacturings of concrete composites have released a high volume of carbon dioxide (CO2) gaseous to the environment in the world. Therefore, finding an alternative material to replace the raw material used in concrete composites has become a current agenda. In the initiative to reduce the carbon footprint of cementitious composite production, are growing interests in the...
Cementitious composites are the most used man-made materials in the world, with a global annual production quantum of 25 billion tonnes worldwide, con...
In rural India the contamination of water by nitrite is profound. Cost- effective and safe water treatment methods are required to remove nitrite from water. A nitrite is regulated in drinking water quality primarily because excess amount can cause methemoglobinemia (also known as blue baby syndrome) disease. The fresh water contains 3% in the worldwide. Human and industrial activities produce and discharge wastes containing nitrite metal into the water resources making them polluted and threatening human health and ecosystem. Conventional methods for the removal of nitrite metal ions such as...
In rural India the contamination of water by nitrite is profound. Cost- effective and safe water treatment methods are required to remove nitrite from...
Ce travail de recherche représente une étude préliminaire sur le béton autoplaçant (BAP). Le SCC est un mélange résistant au déversement, qui peut se joindre sous son propre poids émergent. La nature fluide de base du SCC le rend sensible à la mise en place dans des conditions gravement structurées et dans des zones avec un renforcement bloqué. Les cendres volantes peuvent être utilisées comme adjuvant minéral dans le béton. La substitution des cendres volantes permet de maintenir l'adhérence dans le béton. Il s'agit d'une pratique de construction largement adoptée qui...
Ce travail de recherche représente une étude préliminaire sur le béton autoplaçant (BAP). Le SCC est un mélange résistant au déversement, qui ...