Rajashekara, S., M.V. Mainavi, D. Reena, Utpal Baro, L.S. Sandhya
Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don (Hindi: Sadabahar & Kannada: Nityapushpa ) (Common name: Cape/Madagascar/Pink/Rosy periwinkle) is a flowering plant species in the family Apocynaceae with perennial flowering used in traditional medications and consists of several important properties in alcoholic extracts from their plant parts. It is a glorious ornamental plant sources for the medicinal and pharmacological applications utilized by the ethnic groups. Ornamental plants exhibited an important role in the discovery of novel drugs that are mainly used in the modern medicine....
Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don (Hindi: Sadabahar & Kannada: Nityapushpa ) (Common name: Cape/Madagascar/Pink/Rosy periwinkle) is a ...