The major pests observed during Rabi 2020-21 were cabbage aphid, diamond back moth, head borer, tobacco caterpillar and tussock moth. Natural enemies of cabbage pests have been identified as syrphid fly maggot, mummified aphids by Diaerietella rapae and lady beetle. The weather parameters have a direct and indirect effects on pest population of cabbage. The developmental stages of P.xylostella were observed to be egg (2±0.56 days), larva (9.8±0.89 days), pre-pupa (1.65±0.48 days), pupa (4.4±0.50 days), and total life cycle (27.1±1.94 days). The developmental duration of S.litura were...
The major pests observed during Rabi 2020-21 were cabbage aphid, diamond back moth, head borer, tobacco caterpillar and tussock moth. Natural enemies ...
The experiment was conducted at Experimental Research Farm,Department of Agricultural Entomology, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada KrishiVidyapeeth, Parbhani, during the kharif season of the year 2019-20 to studypopulation dynamics and bio-efficacy of biopesticides against major pests of chilli.The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with 7 treatmentsreplicated three times. The treatments comprised of T1 (Neem oil @ 5 ml/L), T2(NSKE 5% @ 5 g/L), T3 (Dashparni ark @ 6 ml/L), T4 (Beauveria bassiana @ 4g/L),T5 (Verticilium lecanii @ 4g/L) and T6 (Metarrhizium anisopliae @ 4 g/L) and...
The experiment was conducted at Experimental Research Farm,Department of Agricultural Entomology, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada KrishiVidyapeeth, Parbhani...
Les principaux ravageurs observés pendant Rabi 2020-21 étaient le puceron du chou, la fausse-teigne des crucifères, la pyrale de la pomme, la chenille du tabac et la chenille à houppes. Lesennemis naturels des ravageurs du chou ont été identifiés comme la mouche syrphide, les pucerons momifiés par Diaerietella rapae et la coccinelle. Lesparamètres météorologiques ont un effetdirect et indirect sur la population de ravageurs du chou.Les stades de développement de P.xylostella ont été observés comme étant l'oeuf (2±0,56 jours), la larve (9,8±0,89 jours), la pré-pupa...
Les principaux ravageurs observés pendant Rabi 2020-21 étaient le puceron du chou, la fausse-teigne des crucifères, la pyrale de la pomme, la cheni...
The investigations on "Management of major insect pests of brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) was conducted on research farm of Department of Agricultural Entomology VNMKV, Parbhani during kharif 2018.The pest population was observed throughout period of In Seasonal incidence studies, Aphids population on brinjal ranged from 1.95 (32th SMW) to 1.00 (47th SMW) aphids/3 leaves. The peak incidence of 4.12 aphids/3 leaves was recorded in 35th SMW. Incidence of jassids started from 30th SMW (1.23 jassids/three leaves) which reached its 1st peak (8.7 jassids/ 3 ieaves) in 35th SMW and 2nd peak (8.45...
The investigations on "Management of major insect pests of brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) was conducted on research farm of Department of Agricultural...
Die wichtigsten Schädlinge, die während der Vegetationsperiode 2020-21 beobachtet wurden, waren Kohlblattlaus, Rautenmotte, Kopfzünsler, Tabakraupe und Dickmaulrüssler. Als natürliche Feinde der Kohlschädlinge wurden die Syrphidenfliegenmaden, mumifizierte Blattläuse durch Diaerietella rapae und Marienkäferidentifiziert . Die Witterungsparameter haben direkte und indirekte Auswirkungen auf die Schädlingspopulation von Kohl.Die Entwicklungsstadien von P.xylostella waren Ei (2±0,56 Tage), Larve (9,8±0,89 Tage), Vorpuppe (1,65±0,48 Tage), Puppe (4,4±0,50 Tage) und der gesamte...
Die wichtigsten Schädlinge, die während der Vegetationsperiode 2020-21 beobachtet wurden, waren Kohlblattlaus, Rautenmotte, Kopfzünsler, Tabakraupe...
The investigation son "Management of major insect pests of brinjal(Solanum melongena L.)was conducted on research farm of Department ofAgricultural Entomology VNMKV, Parbhani during kharif2018.The pest populationwas observed throughout period of kharif season In Seasonal incidence studies, Aphids population on brinjal ranged from 1.95 (32th SMW) to 1.00 (47th SMW) aphids/3 leaves. The peak incidence of 4.12 aphids/3 leaves was recorded in 35th SMW. Incidence of jassidsstartedfrom30th SMW (1.23jassids/three leaves)which reached its 1st peak (8.7 jassids/ 3ieaves) in 35th SMW and 2nd peak (8.45...
The investigation son "Management of major insect pests of brinjal(Solanum melongena L.)was conducted on research farm of Department ofAgricultural En...
The investigation entitled "Studies on host plant resistance against safflower aphid (Uroleucon compositae Theobald) was carried out at the Department of Agricultural Entomology, VNMKV, Parbhani, during rabi 2021-22.Seasonal incidence study revealed that, first incidence of Uroleucon compositae (Theobald) was observed during the 51st MW (5 aphids/5cm apical twig/plant).The aphid population increased gradually and reached peak reading of 234 aphids/5cm apical twig/ plant during 5th standard meteorological week.In screening studies, 15 safflower genotypes were screened against the safflower...
The investigation entitled "Studies on host plant resistance against safflower aphid (Uroleucon compositae Theobald) was carried out at the Department...