3D printing has been widely used in various fields like architecture, aeronautics, engineering, medical, dentistry etc. Its use has recently been popular in the feild of orthodontics and Dentofacial orthopedics. In this book we have mentioned a brief knowledge about the various types of rapid prototyping and the application of 3D printing in orthodontics. It also covers about the future of 3D printing.
3D printing has been widely used in various fields like architecture, aeronautics, engineering, medical, dentistry etc. Its use has recently been popular in the feild of orthodontics and...
3D printing has been widely used in various fields like architecture, aeronautics, engineering, medical, dentistry etc. Its use has recently been popu...
All functional appliances are intraoral devices and nearly most of them are tooth borne or supported by teeth. Most of the functional appliances are used to correct early class II malocclusions and some cases of class III malocclusions. About 30 percent of all malocclusions treated belong to class II category1. Class II malocclusion is second in prevalence but most frequently encountered & treated malocclusion in orthodontic practice.
All functional appliances are intraoral devices and nearly most of them are tooth borne or supported by teeth. Most of the functional appliances are u...