Emerging technologies are shaping our societies. Advancement in technology has helped us grow economically, environmentally, and socially. 3D printing (or additive manufacturing) is an emerging digitalized technology that is attracting a wide interest. It is an emerging, multidisciplinary field which includes engineering, biology, medicine, material science, and computer science. It is the process of joining materials to make objects from three-dimensional model data, usually layer upon layer. This process contrasts with traditional subtractive manufacturing technologies in which parts of a...
Emerging technologies are shaping our societies. Advancement in technology has helped us grow economically, environmentally, and socially. 3D printing...
Games are widely popular and entertaining. They have become favorite entertainment activity for many people worldwide. This is why the games industry is one of the most lucrative industries due to the billion-dollar sales of digital games. Gamification is a transformation of something into a game. It is basically adapting game-design elements (fun, play, transparency, reward, incentive, competition, and challenge) and game thinking to non-game contexts like education, healthcare, business, warfare, and shopping. It is the process of applying the science and psychology of digital gaming (such...
Games are widely popular and entertaining. They have become favorite entertainment activity for many people worldwide. This is why the games industry ...
Sadiku, Matthew N. O., Ameobi, John B., Kotteti, Chandra M. M.
Agriculture is the practice of cultivating natural resources to sustain human life. It is a key economic sector of any nation. It is a big business that plays an essential role in world economy. It provides us with indispensable resources such as food, medicine, fiber, and energy. Agriculture is critically important for the future of our modern society.The agricultural industry is constantly evolving, and advancements in technology continue to reshape the way we approach farming. The industry is under pressure to tackle some challenges and meet world population's increasing food demand. To...
Agriculture is the practice of cultivating natural resources to sustain human life. It is a key economic sector of any nation. It is a big business th...
Dieses Buch bietet eine Einführung in die Cybersicherheit. Der Schutz von Informationssystemen wird als Cybersicherheit bezeichnet. Cybersicherheit bezieht sich auf eine Reihe von Technologien und Praktiken zum Schutz von Netzwerken und Informationen vor Schäden oder unberechtigtem Zugriff. Es geht darum, kritische Systeme und sensible Informationen vor Angriffen, Schäden oder unbefugtem Zugriff zu schützen. Sie wird immer wichtiger, da immer mehr Informationen über Computernetzwerke zugänglich gemacht werden. Ein ungeschütztes System, das mit dem Internet verbunden ist, ist innerhalb...
Dieses Buch bietet eine Einführung in die Cybersicherheit. Der Schutz von Informationssystemen wird als Cybersicherheit bezeichnet. Cybersicherheit b...
Cet ouvrage présente une introduction à la cybersécurité. La protection des systèmes d'information est connue sous le nom de cybersécurité. La cybersécurité désigne un ensemble de technologies et de pratiques destinées à protéger les réseaux et les informations contre les dommages ou les accès non autorisés. Il s'agit de protéger les systèmes critiques et les informations sensibles contre les attaques, les dommages ou les accès non autorisés. Elle devient de plus en plus importante à mesure que de plus en plus d'informations sont mises à disposition sur les réseaux...
Cet ouvrage présente une introduction à la cybersécurité. La protection des systèmes d'information est connue sous le nom de cybersécurité. La ...
Nigeria, Africa's most populated country and largest economy, has suffered from persistent ethnic, religious, and political challenges since independence from the British in 1960. The country cannot live up to the expectations of being "Giant of Africa," due to its multi-faced problems. These problems include bad leadership, energy, corruption, unemployment, terrorism, poor infrastructure, religious crisis, health, education, environment, poverty, inequality, brain drain, national identity problems, intolerance, etc. Some of these so-called "Nigerian problems" are not only getting worse and...
Nigeria, Africa's most populated country and largest economy, has suffered from persistent ethnic, religious, and political challenges since independe...
Sadiku, Matthew N. O., Olaleye, Olaniyi D., Musa, Sarhan M.
Today, we live in the cyber world where everything is digital, and data is king. The world, using digital technologies, is gradually being transformed into a place where everything will be controlled, monitored, and analyzed digitally. This development has led to digital education, digital business, digital home, digital medicine, digital ethics, digital food, digital family, digital government, digital homes, and digital everything. Digital technology is the future, but some individuals and countries are left behind. Digital technologies include artificial intelligence, machine learning, big...
Today, we live in the cyber world where everything is digital, and data is king. The world, using digital technologies, is gradually being transformed...
This book is essentially an exposition of Ephesians 5:1, which says, "Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children" (NLT). Imitating God is to reproduce His attributes in us. It is to follow His character. But can finite humans imitate infinite God? We must understand that God has two kinds of attributes: incommunicable and communicable. The incommunicable attributes are those that belong to God alone (such as omnipotence, omnipresence, immortality, etc.), while the communicable attributes of God are those that we can also possess (such as faithfulness,...
This book is essentially an exposition of Ephesians 5:1, which says, "Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children"...
Robotics technology has developed rapidly and has brought significant socioeconomic impacts to human lives in recent decades. It has touched almost all aspects of life, either for leisure or critical applications. As robotic machines play an ever-increasing role in carrying out many tasks that were previously only possible by skilled human labor, there is a growing public awareness on how these developments are influencing almost all areas of our lives, our societies, and our economies. Interest in robotics has exploded over the last decades. Today, several applications such as automation,...
Robotics technology has developed rapidly and has brought significant socioeconomic impacts to human lives in recent decades. It has touched almost al...