The Media Maze : Decoding Truth, Propaganda, and Manipulation in Nigerian Mass Media (Le labyrinthe des médias : décoder la vérité, la propagande et la manipulation dans les médias nigérians) est une exploration complète des complexités du paysage médiatique nigérian. Ce chef-d'oeuvre vise à aider les lecteurs à naviguer dans le réseau complexe de la vérité, de la propagande et de la manipulation qui prévaut dans les médias. Le livre couvre divers aspects tels que les forces et les faiblesses des médias nigérians, l'importance de la vérité et de l'objectivité dans le...
The Media Maze : Decoding Truth, Propaganda, and Manipulation in Nigerian Mass Media (Le labyrinthe des médias : décoder la vérité, la propagande ...
Beyond the Headlines: Uncovering the Untold Stories of the Media in Africa is a comprehensive guide that delves into the complexities of the African media landscape. The book begins by introducing readers to the historical evolution of African media and the challenges faced by journalists. It then presents case studies of underreported stories that highlight the struggles and triumphs of African journalists. The final chapter looks towards the future of African media, offering insights and recommendations for its growth and development. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in...
Beyond the Headlines: Uncovering the Untold Stories of the Media in Africa is a comprehensive guide that delves into the complexities of the African m...
The Media Maze: Decoding Truth, Propaganda, and Manipulation in Nigerian Mass Media ist eine umfassende Untersuchung der Komplexität der nigerianischen Medienlandschaft. Dieses Meisterwerk soll den Lesern helfen, sich in dem komplizierten Geflecht aus Wahrheit, Propaganda und Manipulation zurechtzufinden, das in den Medien vorherrscht. Das Buch behandelt verschiedene Aspekte wie die Stärken und Schwächen der nigerianischen Medien, die Bedeutung von Wahrheit und Objektivität im Journalismus, Propagandatechniken, die in den nigerianischen Medien häufig eingesetzt werden, die Machtdynamik,...
The Media Maze: Decoding Truth, Propaganda, and Manipulation in Nigerian Mass Media ist eine umfassende Untersuchung der Komplexität der nigerianisch...
UNICEF has played a crucial role in addressing child protection issues among internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Africa. Despite facing challenges such as unpredictable security situations and poor communication, UNICEF has deployed various strategies to mitigate child protection risks in IDP camps. The study found a prevalence of child protection risks in IDP camps, including physical injury challenges, inadequate parental care, sexual molestation and abuse, and lack of access to basic necessities such as shelter, food, water, and clothing. UNICEF has responded by providing general care...
UNICEF has played a crucial role in addressing child protection issues among internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Africa. Despite facing challenges ...
UNICEF hat eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Lösung von Kinderschutzproblemen bei Binnenvertriebenen in Afrika gespielt. Obwohl UNICEF mit Herausforderungen wie unvorhersehbaren Sicherheitssituationen und schlechter Kommunikation konfrontiert ist, hat das Kinderhilfswerk verschiedene Strategien entwickelt, um die Risiken für den Kinderschutz in Vertriebenenlagern zu mindern. Die Studie ergab, dass in den Lagern für Binnenvertriebene zahlreiche Risiken für den Schutz von Kindern bestehen, darunter körperliche Verletzungen, unzureichende elterliche Fürsorge, sexuelle Belästigung und...
UNICEF hat eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Lösung von Kinderschutzproblemen bei Binnenvertriebenen in Afrika gespielt. Obwohl UNICEF mit Herausforde...
Mande, Sesugh Simon, Tivnongu, Aondofa Mathew, Igbashangev, Paul
This book delves into the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for fact-checking social media content pertaining to Nigeria's security landscape. In light of the escalating spread of misinformation and fake news, particularly concerning security matters in Nigeria, there is an increasing demand for robust mechanisms to authenticate the veracity of online information. The book is centered on exploring the potential of AI tools in augmenting the efficacy of fact-checking procedures aimed at monitoring and refuting misinformation circulating on social media platforms. By investigating how...
This book delves into the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for fact-checking social media content pertaining to Nigeria's security landscap...
Environmental stewardship plays a crucial role in addressing oil spills and conflicts in Africa's oil-producing nations, particularly in Nigeria. This study aimed to examine conflict occurrences in selected Niger Delta communities related to oil exploration by Agip, assess the causes and consequences of these conflicts on the communities and oil companies, identify community relations strategies used for conflict resolution, and evaluate the effectiveness of these approaches in addressing oil spillages. The study employed Conflict Theory, Social Atavistic Conflict Theory, and Stakeholder...
Environmental stewardship plays a crucial role in addressing oil spills and conflicts in Africa's oil-producing nations, particularly in Nigeria. This...
Self-littering has become a prevalent issue in Africa, leading to environmental degradation and diminishing the aesthetic quality of communities. This book examines the potential of media advocacy to mitigate self-littering behaviors. Data was gathered through questionnaires distributed to 400 respondents in Makurdi Local Government Area, Benue State, Nigeria. The results demonstrate that diverse communication channels used in media advocacy can effectively discourage self-littering. While individuals recognize their role in environmental pollution, a shift in behavior is essential. Ongoing...
Self-littering has become a prevalent issue in Africa, leading to environmental degradation and diminishing the aesthetic quality of communities. This...