The Coming Race centers on a young, independent and wealthy traveler who visits a friend, a mining engineer. They explore a natural chasm in a mine which has been exposed by an exploratory shaft. The traveler reaches the bottom of the chasm safely, but the rope breaks and his friend is killed. The traveler finds his way into a subterranean world occupied by beings who seem to resemble angels. He befriends the first being he meets, who guides him around a city that is reminiscent of ancient Egyptian architecture. The explorer meets his host's wife, two sons and daughter who learn to speak...
The Coming Race centers on a young, independent and wealthy traveler who visits a friend, a mining engineer. They explore a natural chasm in a mine wh...
Athens: Its Rise and Fall in 2 volumes is a history of ancient Athens written by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Author's object was to combine an account of Athens' administration and politics with a complex view of the literature, providing the complete history of the Athenian drama and philosophy.
Athens: Its Rise and Fall in 2 volumes is a history of ancient Athens written by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Author's object was to combine an account of At...
Zanoni, a timeless Rosicrucian brother, possesses occult powers and knows the secret of eternal life. However, he cannot fall in love without losing his power of immortality; but he does fall in love with Viola Pisani, a promising young opera singer from Naples, the daughter of Pisani, a misunderstood Italian violinist. An English gentleman named Glyndon loves Viola as well, but is indecisive about proposing marriage, and then renounces his love to pursue occult study. The story develops in the days of the French Revolution in 1789. Zanoni has lived since the Chaldean civilization. His master...
Zanoni, a timeless Rosicrucian brother, possesses occult powers and knows the secret of eternal life. However, he cannot fall in love without losing h...
Die letzten Tage von Pompeji ist ein Roman von Edward Bulwer-Lytton aus dem Jahre 1834. Erzählt wird die Geschichte des jungen, reichen Griechen Glaukus und seiner Geliebten Ione, die um 79 n. Chr. in Pompeji leben. Glaukus, der das Leben eines verwöhnten Adligen führt und seine Tage in der Gesellschaft nichtsnutziger, neureicher Tagediebe wie etwa des Patriziers Clodius und des Freigelassenen Diomed verbringt, ändert seine Lebensweise abrupt, als er Ione begegnet. Diese ist, wie auch ihr Bruder Apaecides, ein Mündel des ägyptischen Isispriesters Arbaces, der sie begehrt. Apaecides, von...
Die letzten Tage von Pompeji ist ein Roman von Edward Bulwer-Lytton aus dem Jahre 1834. Erzählt wird die Geschichte des jungen, reichen Griechen Glau...
This meticulously edited and formatted collection is designed to whet your appetite for the supernatural and occult fiction of Edward Bulwer-Lytton, the master storyteller: Zanoni A Strange Story The Coming Race Falkland Zicci (Prequel to Zanoni) The Haunted and the Haunters, or The House and the Brain The Incantation
This meticulously edited and formatted collection is designed to whet your appetite for the supernatural and occult fiction of Edward Bulwer-Lytton, t...
"Asmodeus at Large" by Bulwer-Lytton is a fascinating story of a conversation between the Devil and his partner on contemporary society and events. Excerpt: "I put on my hat and walked at once to the Doctor's house. "Yes," said I, musingly, "I am certainly in a consumption. I may as well, like Colonel Jones, leave my poor remains to the Surgeons at once, and enjoy the newspaper credit of my generosity before I die. The cholera, however, which is terror to others, is consolation to me. If I were not dying of a consumption, I should certainly die of the cholera..."
"Asmodeus at Large" by Bulwer-Lytton is a fascinating story of a conversation between the Devil and his partner on contemporary society and events. Ex...
In Edward Bulwer-Lyttons Werk Night and Morning taucht der Leser in eine faszinierende Welt voller Intrigen, Geheimnisse und romantischer Verwicklungen ein. Der Roman präsentiert einen reichen literarischen Stil, der durch detaillierte Beschreibungen und komplexe Charaktere geprägt ist. Die Handlung spielt im viktorianischen England und bietet einen Einblick in die sozialen Strukturen und moralischen Konflikte der Zeit. Bulwer-Lytton schafft es geschickt, Spannung mit tiefgründigen Themen zu verbinden und regt so zum Nachdenken über Fragen von Schuld, Liebe und Vergebung an. Night and...
In Edward Bulwer-Lyttons Werk Night and Morning taucht der Leser in eine faszinierende Welt voller Intrigen, Geheimnisse und romantischer Verwicklunge...