Silicate based phosphors due to stable crystal structure, high thermal stability, low thermal conductivity, resistance to acids and alkali they were being used in light industry. Among the various silicates, strontium orthosilicate and magnesium silicates showed applications in the fields of sensors, field emission displays (FEDs), compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), white light emitting diodes (WLEDs), and plasma display panels (PDPs), etc. It was well known that the luminescent properties of inorganic nano/micro materials were closely related with their sizes, shapes, morphologies,...
Silicate based phosphors due to stable crystal structure, high thermal stability, low thermal conductivity, resistance to acids and alkali they were b...
R.B., Basavaraj, Nagabhushana, H, Venkataravanappa, M.
Silicate based phosphors due to stable crystal structure, high thermal stability, low thermal conductivity, resistance to acids and alkali they were being used in light industry. Among the various silicates, strontium orthosilicate and magnesium silicates showed applications in the fields of sensors, field emission displays (FEDs), compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), white light emitting diodes (WLEDs), and plasma display panels (PDPs), etc. It was well known that the luminescent properties of inorganic nano/micro materials were closely related with their sizes, shapes, morphologies,...
Silicate based phosphors due to stable crystal structure, high thermal stability, low thermal conductivity, resistance to acids and alkali they were b...
R.B., Basavaraj, Nagabhushana, H, Venkataravanappa, M.
Les phosphores à base de silicate, en raison de leur structure cristalline stable, de leur grande stabilité thermique, de leur faible conductivité thermique et de leur résistance aux acides et aux alcalis, étaient utilisés dans l'industrie légère. Parmi les différents silicates, l'orthosilicate de strontium et les silicates de magnésium ont trouvé des applications dans les domaines des capteurs, des écrans à émission de champ (FED), des lampes fluorescentes compactes (CFL), des diodes électroluminescentes blanches (WLED), des panneaux d'affichage à plasma (PDP), etc. Il est...
Les phosphores à base de silicate, en raison de leur structure cristalline stable, de leur grande stabilité thermique, de leur faible conductivité ...