The crucial factors in deciding whether a fixed or removable prosthesis should be planned will influence the entire treatment plan, including implant positioning and flange considerations. Most factors, precluding the use of a fixed implant-supported restoration, are related to osseous and/or soft tissue deficiencies. The resorptive processes can cause prognathism, the need for facial support, speech disruption, and/or esthetic problems. So, any parameter that would rule out a fixed reconstruction should be assessed in the sagittal and vertical planes with the help of awax try-in. The first...
The crucial factors in deciding whether a fixed or removable prosthesis should be planned will influence the entire treatment plan, including implant ...
The treatment of every CD patient must be altered to specific needs of the individual. However in order to meet these needs they must be identified first. A successful CD treatment 1. Provides highest level of esthetics, comfort and function commensurate with limitations of each case.2. Will bring patient's expectations within the boundaries of the achievement.3. Will keep the functional demands of the prosthesis within limits of the metabolic ability of the supporting tissues.4. And demands a harmonious cooperative effort by patient and dentist.5. When prognosis is poor a thorough patient...
The treatment of every CD patient must be altered to specific needs of the individual. However in order to meet these needs they must be identified fi...
Der zahnlose Obturator-Patient hat größere Probleme bei Retention, Sprache und Kauen als der Patient mit konventionellem Oberkiefergebiss. Es liegt zwar auf der Hand , dass diese Patienten von Implantaten im Oberkiefer profitieren würden, aber der Mangel an geeigneter Knochenqualität und -quantität im verbleibenden Zahnbogen und in den Restknochen des Schädels auf der chirurgischen Seite schließt eine breite Anwendung von Implantaten aus. In derRegel sindKnochentransplantationen und Sinuslifts im verbleibenden Zahnbogen erforderlich, aber die Patienten zögern oft, sich weiteren...
Der zahnlose Obturator-Patient hat größere Probleme bei Retention, Sprache und Kauen als der Patient mit konventionellem Oberkiefergebiss. Es liegt ...
Modern technological evolution has shown us its overall impact on our day-to-day activities. We are able to perform multiple tasks more efficiently. Professionals in digital technologies are trying to push their boundaries to become more advanced in technology beyond our imagination. This is no exception to dentistry. The new state of the art of digital dentistry opens an exploration of the extent of innovations and technological advances. The book explains on the endless scope of digitization and technology in prosthodontics- both in the clinical and laboratory procedures for a faster, more...
Modern technological evolution has shown us its overall impact on our day-to-day activities. We are able to perform multiple tasks more efficiently. P...
Le patient édenté de l'obturateur a plus de problèmes de rétention, d'élocution et de mastication que le patient porteur d'une prothèse maxillaire classique. mastication que le patient porteur d'une prothèse maxillaire conventionnelle. Bien qu'il semble évident que ces patients bénéficieraient d'implants placés dans le maxillaire, le manque de qualité et de quantité osseuse dans l'arcade restante et dans les os résiduels du crâne du côté chirurgical empêche l'utilisation généralisée d'implants . Desgreffes osseuses et des soulèvements de sinus sont généralement...
Le patient édenté de l'obturateur a plus de problèmes de rétention, d'élocution et de mastication que le patient porteur d'une prothèse maxillai...
The edentulous obturator patient has greater problems in retention, speech, and mastication than the conventional maxillary denture patient. While it seems obvious that these patients would benefit from implants placed in the maxilla, lack of suitable bone quality and quantity in the remaining arch and within the residual bones of the skull on the surgical side precludes widespread use of implants. Bone grafts and sinus lifts are usually needed in the remaining arch, but patients are often reluctant to undergo more surgery. Adjuvant radiotherapy leads to increased implant failure in the...
The edentulous obturator patient has greater problems in retention, speech, and mastication than the conventional maxillary denture patient. While it ...