" Extension pour la prévention " a fait place au nouveau paradigme de la dentisterie mini-invasive. Selon la définition du Congrès mondial de dentisterie mini-invasive, la dentisterie mini-invasive est une "discipline fondée sur des données probantes" qui traite des procédures de préservation des tissus durs et mous de la bouche, avec pour objectif principal d'améliorer la qualité de vie par une santé bucco-dentaire optimale tout au long de la vie et la préservation de la structure dentaire. L'approche mini-invasive du traitement des caries dentaires intègre la science dentaire de...
" Extension pour la prévention " a fait place au nouveau paradigme de la dentisterie mini-invasive. Selon la définition du Congrès mondial de denti...
"Extension for prevention" has given way to the new paradigm of minimally invasive dentistry. As defined by the World Congress of Minimally Invasive Dentistry, Minimal invasive dentistry is an 'evidence-based discipline' dealing with oral hard and soft tissue-saving procedures with a primary goal of improving quality of life through life long optimal oral health and preserving tooth structure. The minimally invasive approach in treating dental caries incorporates the dental science of detecting, diagnosing, intercepting, and treating dental caries at the microscopic level. With minimally...
"Extension for prevention" has given way to the new paradigm of minimally invasive dentistry. As defined by the World Congress of Minimally Invasive D...
Die "Erweiterung zur Vorbeugung" hat dem neuen Paradigma der minimalinvasiven Zahnmedizin Platz gemacht. Nach der Definition des Weltkongresses für minimalinvasive Zahnheilkunde ist die minimalinvasive Zahnheilkunde eine "evidenzbasierte Disziplin", die sich mit oralen hart- und weichgewebssparenden Verfahren befasst, deren vorrangiges Ziel die Verbesserung der Lebensqualität durch lebenslange optimale Mundgesundheit und die Erhaltung der Zahnsubstanz ist. Der minimalinvasive Ansatz bei der Behandlung von Zahnkaries umfasst die zahnmedizinische Wissenschaft der Erkennung, Diagnose,...
Die "Erweiterung zur Vorbeugung" hat dem neuen Paradigma der minimalinvasiven Zahnmedizin Platz gemacht. Nach der Definition des Weltkongresses für m...
Emergencies and disasters do not only affect health and well-being of people; frequently, large number of people are displaced, killed, injured, or subjected to greater risk of epidemics. Considerable economic harm is also common. Disasters cause great harm to the existing infrastructure and threaten the future of sustainable development. Disasters are not confined to a particular part of the world; they can occur anywhere and at any time. This book aims at determining the role of oral health care providers and dentists in disaster management and to ascertain the role of oral health care...
Emergencies and disasters do not only affect health and well-being of people; frequently, large number of people are displaced, killed, injured, or su...
Statistics or data is the plural of the same, stated in more than one figures such as height of two persons, birth weight of five babies, etc. They are collected from experiments, records and surveys, in all walks of life such as economics, politics, education, industry, business, administration, medicine including preventive and public health too. Biostatistics is the term used when tools of statistics are applied to the data that is derived from biological sciences such as medicine. Research studies conducted in various fields today require different types of statistical tests to be applied...
Statistics or data is the plural of the same, stated in more than one figures such as height of two persons, birth weight of five babies, etc. They ar...