Widodo, Prof Dr. Sri, Damayanti, Dian, Apon, H. Moh.
Mit dem Aufkommen des Weltraumtourismus hat sich die Raumfahrt in den kommenden Jahren als aufregendes neues Potenzial für Wirtschaft, Gastgewerbe, Medizin und Technologie erwiesen. Die derzeitigen Erkenntnisse über die menschliche Gesundheit im Weltraum sind jedoch begrenzt, insbesondere im Hinblick auf kurz- und langfristige Weltraumreisen. Dieser Bericht fasst die Entwicklungen im Bereich der Weltraumgesundheit zusammen, einschließlich früherer Studien und unveröffentlichter Daten der NASA, der ESA, der japanischen Weltraumbehörde, der chinesischen Weltraumbehörde und der...
Mit dem Aufkommen des Weltraumtourismus hat sich die Raumfahrt in den kommenden Jahren als aufregendes neues Potenzial für Wirtschaft, Gastgewerbe, M...
Royani, Esti, Damayanti, Dian, Gultom, Prof. Dr. Ir. Juni
At the 78th UN General Assembly Session in New York, the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs expressed Indonesia's concern about the condition of the Palestinian people in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This speech also emphasized that Indonesia would not stop providing support for the Palestinian people to gain independence. During the conflict, both parties have violated human rights, namely the right to live in safety and other rights. This phenomenon is in stark contrast to the foundation of the Indonesian state, Pancasila, as a national ideology, aspires to justice and prosperity...
At the 78th UN General Assembly Session in New York, the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs expressed Indonesia's concern about the condition of t...
military experts are discovering how to used artificial intelligence effectively for military applications, such as surveillance, underwater mine warfare, recon- naissance, cyber security, threat evaluation, intelligence analysis, command & control, education and military training. The consequences of these progresses will be felt across the range of military standards from knowledge investigation and identification to balance of offensive and defense as well as to the nuclear weapons program themselves. In this suite, AI applications within autonomous weapons and monitoring systems are the...
military experts are discovering how to used artificial intelligence effectively for military applications, such as surveillance, underwater mine warf...
Les experts militaires découvrent comment utiliser efficacement l'intelligence artificielle pour des applications militaires telles que la surveillance, la guerre des mines sous-marines, la reconnaissance, la cybersécurité, l'évaluation des menaces, l'analyse du renseignement, le commandement et le contrôle, l'éducation et la formation militaire. Les conséquences de ces progrès se feront sentir sur toute la gamme des normes militaires, de la recherche et de l'identification des connaissances à l'équilibre entre l'offensive et la défense, en passant par le programme d'armes...
Les experts militaires découvrent comment utiliser efficacement l'intelligence artificielle pour des applications militaires telles que la surveillan...
Gunadi, Brigadir Jenderal TNI Iswan, Damayanti, Dian, Bernanthos, Prof. Ir. H. Bambang
Investment spaceport development technology for sustainable Biak Papua Republic of Indonesia and System diplomacy. A spaceport is a launch facility that has been used for at least one successful orbital launch. Spaceports are introduced by developed countries in the space sector. In its development, developing countries in the space sector such as Indonesia are also planning to build spaceports. The Indonesia spaceport development is based on Law no. 21 of 2013 on Space Activities and Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 45 of 2017 on the 2016-2040 Master Plan for the...
Investment spaceport development technology for sustainable Biak Papua Republic of Indonesia and System diplomacy. A spaceport is a launch facility th...