The state of Karnataka covers an area of l ,91 ,976 square kilometers (74,122 sq mi) which is 5.83% of the total geographical area of India and lies between latitude 11°32' 40.99' N to 18°20' 36°56' N, longitude 74°04' 23°08' E to 78°35' 10°96 E. The State of Karnataka is a part of highly biodiversity rich regions of India. The Western Ghats of Karnataka is one of the mega biodiversity of the world. The State is endowed with great diversity of climate, topography and soil. Karnataka has great diversity of species.The state records 6 to 8 % of the known Indian fauna. The vertebrate...
The state of Karnataka covers an area of l ,91 ,976 square kilometers (74,122 sq mi) which is 5.83% of the total geographical area of India and lies b...