What is the greatest scourge known to mankind today? No, it's not the common cold. The scourge referred to is snoring, the cause of more marital discord than discriminate channel-changing or wrong end of the toothpaste squeezing. Snoring has sold more twin beds and people have led to more two bedroom homes than has ever been recorded. There are various causes that cause snoring such as normal snoring - many people snore without any medical condition, Aging, Sleep-disordered breathing, Sleep apnea, Obstructive sleep apnea, Overweight, Obesity, Tonsillitis, Adenoiditis, Stuffy nose - and...
What is the greatest scourge known to mankind today? No, it's not the common cold. The scourge referred to is snoring, the cause of more marital disco...
The movements of the mandible which create the multitude of tooth contacting positions are activated by the muscles of mastication but controlled by the temporomandibular joints. The muscles place the mandible in a great variety of positions, but the paths of motion to these positions are determined by the joints. The prosthetic relations of the joint are those actions of the joint which enter into, or create problems of, tooth restorations. They are not concerned primarily with the anatomy of the joint, but rather with the way that anatomy enters into functional relations of the teeth,...
The movements of the mandible which create the multitude of tooth contacting positions are activated by the muscles of mastication but controlled by t...
The prosthetic relations of the joint are those actions of the joint which enter into, or create problems of, tooth restorations. They are not concerned primarily with the anatomy of the joint, but rather with the way that anatomy enters into functional relations of the teeth, either natural teeth or their artificial counterparts. Properly articulated teeth do not bump into each other and thus create lateral stresses. Instead, they travel around and between each other to create a most efficient chewing mechanism while maintaining force along the long axes of the teeth to reduce stress on the...
The prosthetic relations of the joint are those actions of the joint which enter into, or create problems of, tooth restorations. They are not concern...
Die prothetischen Beziehungen des Gelenks sind jene Aktionen des Gelenks, die bei Zahnrestaurationen eine Rolle spielen oder Probleme bei der Zahnrestauration verursachen. Sie befassen sich nicht in erster Linie mit der Anatomie des Gelenks, sondern vielmehr mit der Art und Weise, wie die Anatomie in die funktionellen Beziehungen der Zähne eingeht, seien es natürliche Zähne oder ihre künstlichen Gegenstücke. Richtig artikulierte Zähne stoßen nicht aneinander und erzeugen dadurch seitliche Spannungen. Stattdessen bewegen sie sich umeinander und untereinander, um einen äußerst...
Die prothetischen Beziehungen des Gelenks sind jene Aktionen des Gelenks, die bei Zahnrestaurationen eine Rolle spielen oder Probleme bei der Zahnrest...