Das Schmerzmanagement während endodontischer Eingriffe und nach der postoperativen Phase ist eines der wichtigsten Ziele von Zahnärzten. Die Verletzung des periapikalen Gewebes um die Wurzel des Zahns, der einer Wurzelkanalbehandlung unterzogen wird, ist die häufigste Ursache für postendodontische Schmerzen.Die Kryotherapie ist eine altbewährte Technik, die häufig bei Sportverletzungen und chirurgischen Eingriffen zur Schmerzbehandlung und postoperativen Versorgung eingesetzt wird.Im Bereich der Endodontie wurde die Kryotherapie häufig nach periapikalen chirurgischen Eingriffen und...
Das Schmerzmanagement während endodontischer Eingriffe und nach der postoperativen Phase ist eines der wichtigsten Ziele von Zahnärzten. Die Verletz...
An apico-marginal defect is a combined endodontic periodontal lesion that poses a challenge to the healing outcome and therefore often leads to the decreased prognosis of periapical surgery. Autologous Platelet Aggregates are known to enhance the bone regenrative and healing capacity in such cases. Through this book represents a detailed systematic review of clinical human studies aims to analyze the effect of autologous platelet aggregates on the to clinical and radiographic healing outcome of apico-marginal defects.
An apico-marginal defect is a combined endodontic periodontal lesion that poses a challenge to the healing outcome and therefore often leads to the de...
pain management during endodontic procedures and after postoperative stage is one of the most important goals of dentists. Injury to the periapical tissues around the root of the tooth undergoing root canal treatment is the most common cause of postendodontic pain. cryotherapy is a long standing technique that has been frequently applied in sports injuries and surgical procedures for pain management and postoperative care. In the field of endodontics, cryotherapy has been frequently used following periapical surgical procedures and during root canal treatment to reduce postoperative pain. The...
pain management during endodontic procedures and after postoperative stage is one of the most important goals of dentists. Injury to the periapical ti...
The search for profound anaesthesia in patients with irreversible pulpitis continues to be the Achilles heel for many clinicians. Literature suggests that attaining profound anaesthesia in teeth with irreversible pulpitis is a tedious task compared to achieving anaesthesia in healthy mandibular molars. There are alternate methods to control the inconvenience and pain experienced by the subjects during endodontic treatment, which includes the application of supplementary injections like buccal/lingual infiltrations, intraligamentary, intraosseous and intrapulpal injections.Although...
The search for profound anaesthesia in patients with irreversible pulpitis continues to be the Achilles heel for many clinicians. Literature suggests ...