Süßes ist der Geschmack, der stark mit Feiern und Glück identifiziert wird. Die Lust auf Süßes wurde als "menschliche Schwäche" bezeichnet, was sich in der Allgegenwart von Zuckerdosen, Süßigkeitentheken, Süßigkeitenautomaten, Bäckereien und Konditoreien sowie Limonadenbrunnen widerspiegelt. Früchte, Beeren und Honig waren die frühesten bekannten süßen Lebensmittel. Die meisten Zuckerersatzstoffe, die für die Verwendung in Lebensmitteln zugelassen sind, sind künstlich synthetisierte Verbindungen. Es sind jedoch auch einige natürliche Zuckerersatzstoffe bekannt, darunter...
Süßes ist der Geschmack, der stark mit Feiern und Glück identifiziert wird. Die Lust auf Süßes wurde als "menschliche Schwäche" bezeichnet, was ...
Sweetness is the taste that is strongly identified with celebration and happiness. Having a sweets tooth has been described as a "human weakness," as evidenced by the ubiquity of sugar bowls, candy counters, automatic candy machines, bakery and pastry shops, and the soda fountain. Fruits, berries, and honey were the earliest sweet foods known. The majority of sugar substitutes approved for food use are artificially synthesized compounds. However, some natural sugar substitutes are known including sorbitol and xylitol, which are found in berries, fruit, vegetables and mushrooms. Other natural...
Sweetness is the taste that is strongly identified with celebration and happiness. Having a sweets tooth has been described as a "human weakness," as ...
Emergencies and disasters do not only affect health and well-being of people; frequently, large number of people are displaced, killed, injured, or subjected to greater risk of epidemics. Considerable economic harm is also common. Disasters cause great harm to the existing infrastructure and threaten the future of sustainable development. Disasters are not confined to a particular part of the world; they can occur anywhere and at any time. This book aims at determining the role of oral health care providers and dentists in disaster management and to ascertain the role of oral health care...
Emergencies and disasters do not only affect health and well-being of people; frequently, large number of people are displaced, killed, injured, or su...