Orbital fractures are commonly encountered by the ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, and orbitofacial plastic surgeon. Proper treatment requires a complete ophthalmic evaluation, systematic review of the radiographic evidence, and thoughtful surgicalplanning with careful attention to anatomic principles. The use of smaller and hidden incisions (particularly conjunctival incisions) has made surgical treatment of orbital fractures more esthetically satisfying while reducing the risk of complications. The choice of implant materials has never been greater, providing the surgeon with options that...
Orbital fractures are commonly encountered by the ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, and orbitofacial plastic surgeon. Proper treatment requires a com...
This book on "Soft tissue grafting" explained the soft tissue augmentation procedures around teeth, implant and edentulous area in simplest way. All the techniques that can be opted to fill the periodontal defects has been covered in elaborated way with pictorial explanation. additionally, the various suturing techniques and healing after grafting in the surgical procedures has been demonstrated with scientific explanation.
This book on "Soft tissue grafting" explained the soft tissue augmentation procedures around teeth, implant and edentulous area in simplest way. All t...
Die Implantologie hat sich als ein Segen für den Ersatz fehlender Zähne erwiesen. Der Ersatz fehlender Zähne im Seitenzahnbereich des Oberkiefers birgt seine eigenen Herausforderungen. In diesem Buch werden die verschiedenen Instrumente und chirurgischen Verfahren aufgezählt und erörtert, die zum Einsetzen von Zahnimplantaten in eine pneumatisierte Kieferhöhle erforderlich sind. Dieses Buch ist alles, was man braucht, um etwas über die Verfahren des Kieferhöhlenlifts zum Einsetzen von Zahnimplantaten zu erfahren.
Die Implantologie hat sich als ein Segen für den Ersatz fehlender Zähne erwiesen. Der Ersatz fehlender Zähne im Seitenzahnbereich des Oberkiefers b...
This book "Tissue engineering" consist of comprehensive reference texts encompassing the biological basis of tissue regeneration, basic principles of tissue engineering and the current state of art in tissue engineering of specific tissue and organs. Tissue engineering is a novel and exciting field that aims to re-create functional, healthy tissues and organs in order to replace diseased, dying, or dead tissues. The association of biomaterials, stem cells, growth and differentiation factors has yielded the development of new treatment opportunities in the field of dentistry. The objective of...
This book "Tissue engineering" consist of comprehensive reference texts encompassing the biological basis of tissue regeneration, basic principles of ...
Microsurgical concepts have recently been introduced into the field of periodontics. Although the surgical operating microscope has clearly benefited medicine, periodontists have only lately considered it. Over the last decade, periodontics has seen an increasing refinement of procedures that require more detailed surgical skills. Guided tissue regeneration, cosmetic crown lengthening, gingival augmentation procedures, soft and hard tissue ridge augmentation, osseous resection, and dental implants demand clinical expertise that challenges the technical skills of periodontists to the limits of...
Microsurgical concepts have recently been introduced into the field of periodontics. Although the surgical operating microscope has clearly benefited ...
Implant dentistry has been proven a boon for replacing missing teeth. Replacement of missing teeth in maxillary posterior region has its own challenges. This book enumerates and discusses the various armamentarium and surgical procedures required to place dental implants in a pneumatised maxillary sinus. This book is all one needs to learn about the maxillary sinus lift procedures for placement of dental implants.
Implant dentistry has been proven a boon for replacing missing teeth. Replacement of missing teeth in maxillary posterior region has its own challenge...
La dentisterie implantaire s'est avérée être une aubaine pour remplacer les dents manquantes. Le remplacement des dents manquantes dans la région maxillaire postérieure présente ses propres défis. Ce livre énumère et discute les différents armements et procédures chirurgicales nécessaires pour placer des implants dentaires dans un sinus maxillaire pneumatisé. Ce livre est tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur les procédures d'élévation du sinus maxillaire pour la pose d'implants dentaires.
La dentisterie implantaire s'est avérée être une aubaine pour remplacer les dents manquantes. Le remplacement des dents manquantes dans la région ...