Sellers, especially sellers of goods and services, run a business that has a lot to do with people and are more likely to encounter a dissatisfied and angry customer from time to time, who for various or unreasonable reasons abusive and inappropriate behavior, threatening the person and They want to scare him and ruin him all day. The common denominator of all these encounters is that these experiences are always unfortunate, bitter and difficult. It does not matter where the sales and customer service department is located, however, dealing with a dissatisfied customer is inevitable, because...
Sellers, especially sellers of goods and services, run a business that has a lot to do with people and are more likely to encounter a dissatisfied and...
The insurance industry is a useful, necessary industry, effective in economic development and strengthens the spirit of cooperation and collaboration. One of the indicators of progress in the world is per capita insurance. This shows that dealing with different types of insurance is very important in raising the standard of living of people. This industry has three important effects: "increasing security in various areas of life and economic activities", "increasing investment, employment and economic growth" and "equitable distribution of risks and promoting economic justice and reducing...
The insurance industry is a useful, necessary industry, effective in economic development and strengthens the spirit of cooperation and collaboration....