Success of orthodontic treatment of a patient be subject to accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. The purpose of this book is to provide details on clinical two-dimensional cephalometrics, an important part of diagnosis and treatment planning. Currently, clinical orthodontics is transitioning from the two-dimensional (2D) world to the three-dimensional (3D) world. Cephalometry, a measure of straight lines and angles of the hard and soft tissue of the face and cranium, is evolving into measures of areas and volumes that will need to be interpreted for clinical decisions and evaluation of...
Success of orthodontic treatment of a patient be subject to accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. The purpose of this book is to provide details ...
L'endodontie rotative est devenue une modalité de traitement importante dans le domaine de l'endodontie. Avec l'introduction du nickel-titane, la préparation mécanique des canaux radiculaires est rapidement devenue une modalité largement acceptée dans le domaine de l'endodontie. L'amélioration des résultats de la préparation, ainsi que la réduction du temps de préparation, ont entraîné l'adoption rapide de l'instrumentation rotative. L'endodontie pédiatrique est l'une des procédures cliniques importantes utilisées pour le traitement des thérapies pulpaires chez les enfants. La...
L'endodontie rotative est devenue une modalité de traitement importante dans le domaine de l'endodontie. Avec l'introduction du nickel-titane, la pr...
Rotary endodontics has emerged as a significant treatment modality in the endodontic field. With the introduction of nickel titanium, mechanical root canal preparation has quickly become a widely accepted modality in endodontics. The enhanced preparation results, along with reduced preparation time have prompted the rapid adoption of rotary instrumentation. Pediatric endodontics is one of the important clinical procedures used for the treatment of pulp therapies in children. Loss of primary teeth leading to space loss is an important issue which needs attention in the field of pediatric...
Rotary endodontics has emerged as a significant treatment modality in the endodontic field. With the introduction of nickel titanium, mechanical root ...