Histopathological evaluation is must to confirm the malignancy (Cancer) present in the lesion. Keratin is an intermediate protein which forms the cytoskeleton of all the epithelial cells. It forms the superficial most layer (stratum corneum) in keratinized epithelium in the oral cavity. They play an important role in epithelial cell protection from mechanical and non-mechanical stressors. Keratins have been proven to be a useful diagnostic and prognostic marker in epithelial malignancies. Keratin is present in plethora of pathologic conditions like squamous cell carcinoma, verrucous carcinoma...
Histopathological evaluation is must to confirm the malignancy (Cancer) present in the lesion. Keratin is an intermediate protein which forms the cyto...
Les récupérateurs d'espace sont les appareils utilisés pour restaurer l'espace et l'harmonie occlusale et minimiser davantage les traitements orthodontiques complexes et faciliter l'éruption des dents permanentes. La perte précoce des dents primaires entraîne une perte d'espace, de longueur d'arc, de périmètre d'arc et de circonférence d'arc. Larelation occlusale normale et l'alignement normal des dents permanentes ne peuvent pas se développer etlesdentspermanentesrestent incluses ou font éruption hors de l'arcade. Lorsque la perte d'espace est progressive, il fautenvisagerune...
Les récupérateurs d'espace sont les appareils utilisés pour restaurer l'espace et l'harmonie occlusale et minimiser davantage les traitements ortho...
Space regainers are the appliances used to restore space and occlusal harmony and further minimize the complex orthodontic treatments and facilitate permanent tooth eruption. Early loss of primary teeth lead to loss in space, arch length, arch perimeter and arch circumference. The normal occlusal relationship and normal permanent teeth alignment is not able to develop and permanent teeth remain impacted or erupt out of arch. When the space is progressively lost, the therapy should be considered to regain the space so that additional disharmonies do not develop.
Space regainers are the appliances used to restore space and occlusal harmony and further minimize the complex orthodontic treatments and facilitate p...
Platzhalter werden eingesetzt, um den Platz und die okklusale Harmonie wiederherzustellen und die komplexen kieferorthopädischen Behandlungen weiter zu minimieren und den Durchbruch der bleibenden Zähne zu erleichtern. Der frühzeitige Verlust von Milchzähnen führt zu einem Verlust an Platz, Bogenlänge, Bogenumfang und Bogengröße. Dienormale okklusale Beziehung und die normale Ausrichtung der bleibenden Zähne können sich nicht entwickeln, und die bleibendenZähne bleiben impaktiert oder brechen aus dem Bogen aus. Wenn der Raum zunehmend verloren geht, sollte eine Therapiein Betracht...
Platzhalter werden eingesetzt, um den Platz und die okklusale Harmonie wiederherzustellen und die komplexen kieferorthopädischen Behandlungen weiter ...
Propolis is a resinous substance produced by bees with an extensive scope of medicinal uses. It is collected by bees from buds, leaves and bark exudates of several plants in both temperate and tropical areas. Propolis is also called as "bee glue" as it is produced by bees for sealing and protection of their hives. It has miscellaneous biological properties such as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antifungal, antioxidant, antitumor, antiulcer, and anti-HIV activities. Nowadays propolis is also used in dentistry as natural remedy. It is used in mouthwashes, toothpastes to prevent caries,...
Propolis is a resinous substance produced by bees with an extensive scope of medicinal uses. It is collected by bees from buds, leaves and bark exudat...
BIOMIMETIC materials can be considered as boon to dentistry because of its regeneration potential. Thus in the near future it can be envisioned that there will be better alternatives in the field of restorative dentistry in the form of bioactive and biomimetic materials. New mechanisms for adhesion, integration, and sealing of dentin are in the works using bioactive and biomimetic technologies. These materials will behave more like natural teeth and will change the way we think about restoring teeth. The practice of pediatric dentists has grown by leap and bounds in the past few decades....
BIOMIMETIC materials can be considered as boon to dentistry because of its regeneration potential. Thus in the near future it can be envisioned that t...