Asir Ramesh, Devaraj, Muthukrishnan, L., Karthi, N.
Worldwihealthy mangrove ecosystems are vital for the wellbeing, food security, and protection of coastal communities. Mangrove host a spectacular diversity of flora and fauna including fishes. Mangroves protect the coastlines from erosion, hazardous, and contribute to water quality by filtering nutrient load. Recognizing the vital role of coastal and marine ecosystems in supporting livelihoods and wellbeing across the globe. The Global Environment Facility (GEF), UNEP, the World Bank, and many International and National organizations supporting many mangrove related projects to help...
Worldwihealthy mangrove ecosystems are vital for the wellbeing, food security, and protection of coastal communities. Mangrove host a spectacular dive...
Asir Ramesh, Dr. D., Muthukrishnan, L., Dhivya, S.
Salt marsh area has been shrinking and large losses of salt marsh have been globally reported. In addition to natural processes such as climate change; factors like conversion for agricultural, aquaculture, industry and salt pan drastically reduce the salt marsh distribution area. Valuation plays an important role in creating markets for the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services, for instance through payments for ecosystem services, compensation, and cost benefit analysis. This research study has estimated equivalent economic values of the goods and services produced by the salt...
Salt marsh area has been shrinking and large losses of salt marsh have been globally reported. In addition to natural processes such as climate change...
Asir Ramesh, Devaraj, Muthukrishnan, L., Dhivya, S.
Seagrass are marine flowering plants present along almost all the shallow coasts of our planet. Since they are plants, they get primary energy from the sun and grows very fast either vertically or horizontally. Seagrass has been considered as foundation species, i.e. a species that provide habitat and enhances ecosystem biodiversity. Large species such as turtles, ducks, geese, and marine mammals like dugongs use the seagrass ecosystem as habitat. The associated organisms, use the seagrass in their whole life cycles, or part of their life cycle as feeding and refuge ground. Seagrass goods and...
Seagrass are marine flowering plants present along almost all the shallow coasts of our planet. Since they are plants, they get primary energy from th...