In this book, the definition of diplomacy, which is known as the whole of relations between states in today's international conjuncture, and the types of diplomacy used in terms of regulating relations in terms of both economy and culture have been researched and brought together. In the book, diplomacy in the narrow sense and diplomacy in the broad sense are included in the form of two types. As the main objective of the article, "Types of Diplomacy Available in the International Conjuncture" has been specified in detail by researching different sources. In the book, the history of diplomacy...
In this book, the definition of diplomacy, which is known as the whole of relations between states in today's international conjuncture, and the types...
Dans ce livre, des informations détaillées sont données sur les activités terroristes de l'État arménien. Le génocide et les attentats à la bombe commis par l'Arménie contre des civils azerbaïdjanais ont été examinés en détail et des informations ont été fournies. Le livre aborde le sujet de l'usage de la force dans le système des Nations Unies. Des recherches détaillées ont été effectuées sur l'impact du résultat des élections sur la conjoncture internationale aux États-Unis et ont été démontrées avec de véritables sources d'information pour les lecteurs. En...
Dans ce livre, des informations détaillées sont données sur les activités terroristes de l'État arménien. Le génocide et les attentats à la bo...
In this book, detailed information is given about the terrorist activities of the Armenian state. The genocide and bomb attacks committed by Armenia to Azerbaijani civilians were examined in detail and information was given. The book includes the subject of using force in the UN system. Detailed research has been done on the Impact of the Election Result on the International Conjuncture in the USA and it has been shown with real information sources for readers. In addition, Biden also in Turkey and the Caucasus Axis NATO Policy Strategy was written under special topics detailed information...
In this book, detailed information is given about the terrorist activities of the Armenian state. The genocide and bomb attacks committed by Armenia t...
In diesem Buch werden detaillierte Informationen über die terroristischen Aktivitäten des armenischen Staates gegeben. Der Völkermord und die Bombenangriffe Armeniens auf aserbaidschanische Zivilisten wurden eingehend untersucht und informiert. Das Buch beinhaltet das Thema Gewaltanwendung im UN-System. Die Auswirkungen des Wahlergebnisses auf die internationale Konjunktur in den USA wurden detailliert recherchiert und mit echten Informationsquellen für die Leser dargestellt. Darüber hinaus wurde Biden auch in der Türkei und der Kaukasusachse NATO Policy Strategy geschrieben, unter...
In diesem Buch werden detaillierte Informationen über die terroristischen Aktivitäten des armenischen Staates gegeben. Der Völkermord und die Bombe...
Under the title of the types of diplomacy in the international conjuncture, which is the first part of this book, the definition of diplomacy, known as the whole of relations between states in today's international conjuncture, and the types of diplomacy used in terms of regulating relations both economically and culturally have been researched and brought together. In the book, diplomacy in the narrow sense and diplomacy in the broad sense are included in the form of two types. As the main objective of the article, "Types of Diplomacy Available in the International Conjuncture" has been...
Under the title of the types of diplomacy in the international conjuncture, which is the first part of this book, the definition of diplomacy, known a...