Früchte ohne Bestäubung und Befruchtung werden als parthenokarp bezeichnet. Eine Pflanze ist als parthenokarp bekannt, wenn ihre Früchte keine oder nur eine sehr geringe Anzahl von Samen enthalten oder abortierte Samen aufweisen.Ursachen für das Ausbleiben der Bestäubung: männliche Sterilität, Selbstinkompatibilität, ungünstige Umweltbedingungen, Fehlen von Bestäubern, Zweihäusigkeit.Nach der Art ihrer Entstehung werden zwei Typen unterschieden: 1) Natürliche Parthenokarpie 2) Künstliche Parthenokarpie.
Früchte ohne Bestäubung und Befruchtung werden als parthenokarp bezeichnet. Eine Pflanze ist als parthenokarp bekannt, wenn ihre Früchte keine oder...
Les fruits sans pollinisation ni fécondation sont appelés parthénocarpes. Une plante est dite parthénocarpique lorsque ses fruits sont complètement dépourvus de graines ou contiennent un nombre infime de graines ou présentent des graines avortées.Causes de l'absence de pollinisation : stérilité mâle,auto incompatibilité, conditions environnementales défavorables, absence de pollinisateur, dioïque.Selon la nature de leur origine, il existe deux types de parthénocarpie: 1) la parthénocarpie naturelle et 2) la parthénocarpie artificielle.
Les fruits sans pollinisation ni fécondation sont appelés parthénocarpes. Une plante est dite parthénocarpique lorsque ses fruits sont complèteme...
Need for Genetic purity assessmentEssential for quality seed production assessmentTo detect selfing in female plantsTo ensure that there are no mixturesTo settle disputesTo stake claims by the companyIt will be helpful in registrationAvoids grow-out test The traditional Grow out Test (GOT) is done to determine the seed genetic purity test based on morphological markers are time consuming and are environmental dependence. To overcome this, disadvantage the biochemical markers are being used in many crops. However, repeatability and accuracy of these results on biochemical markers are subject...
Need for Genetic purity assessmentEssential for quality seed production assessmentTo detect selfing in female plantsTo ensure that there are no mixtur...
Fruits without pollination and fertilization is called parthenocarpy. A plant is known to be parthenocarpic plant when its fruits are completely devoid of seeds or contain a very minute number of seeds or present aborted seeds.Causes for absence of pollination: Male sterility, Self incompatibility, Adverse environmental condition, Absence of pollinator, Dioecious.Based on nature of their origin it have two types 1) Natural parthenocarpy 2) Artificial parthenocarpy
Fruits without pollination and fertilization is called parthenocarpy. A plant is known to be parthenocarpic plant when its fruits are completely devoi...
Stay green is general term given to a variant in which senescence is delayed compared with standard reference genotype. The ability of a plant to postpone/delayed senescence and retain their leaves in the active photosynthetic state. Therefore, expected to give a higher production and productivity of grain as well biomass under biotic and abiotic stress condition. The extended foliar greenness during grain filling delayed senescence and maintain more photo synthetically active leaves . Genetic variation exists in the timing and rate of leaf senescence, both between species and genotypes....
Stay green is general term given to a variant in which senescence is delayed compared with standard reference genotype. The ability of a plant to post...