Gingival hyperplasia is an overgrowth of gum tissue around the teeth. There are a number of causes for this condition, but it's often a symptom of poor oral hygiene or a side effect of using certain medications.1If left untreated, this oral condition can affect the alignment of your teeth and increase the risk of developing gum disease. Gingival hyperplasia can be resolved by improving oral hygiene habits. In more severe cases, surgical treatment is necessary.1Gingival hyperplasia is also referred to as:- gingival overgrowth- gum enlargement- hypertrophy- hypertrophic gingivitis
Gingival hyperplasia is an overgrowth of gum tissue around the teeth. There are a number of causes for this condition, but it's often a symptom of poo...
Aging is a natural process but at a similar period, the aging population has substantially increased. Socially this stage is considered as the sum total of ones lived experiences. Hence, the society offers a space of respect to the old. In such society the aged are the repositories, transmitters, and soul authorities of wisdom and knowledge. All these provide a "golden age" concept to this stage. Keeping these points in mind, an attempt was made to evaluate the oral and mental health of older persons who live in OAH and family set-up.
Aging is a natural process but at a similar period, the aging population has substantially increased. Socially this stage is considered as the sum tot...
Das Altern ist ein natürlicher Prozess, aber in einem ähnlichen Zeitraum hat die Zahl der älteren Menschen erheblich zugenommen. Gesellschaftlich wird diese Phase als die Summe der gelebten Erfahrungen betrachtet. Daher bietet die Gesellschaft den alten Menschen einen Raum des Respekts. In einer solchen Gesellschaft sind die Alten die Bewahrer, Übermittler und Seelenautoritäten von Weisheit und Wissen. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde der Versuch unternommen, die orale und psychische Gesundheit älterer Menschen zu untersuchen, die in OAH und Familieneinrichtungen leben.
Das Altern ist ein natürlicher Prozess, aber in einem ähnlichen Zeitraum hat die Zahl der älteren Menschen erheblich zugenommen. Gesellschaftlich w...
The term Probiotic means "for life". Probiotics by definition are viable microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, provide a health benefit to the host. Intestinal diseases have been controlled using this approach through colonisation resistance and modulation of the immune system.These bacteria should be able to resist gastric secretion and survive during intestinal transit and also adhere to the mucosa of the intestine and inhibit pathogens present in the gut.
The term Probiotic means "for life". Probiotics by definition are viable microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, provide a health...