We immediately organized a party in the common room. A record player and a loudspeaker system were available on site.We also played blind cow or hide and seek. Every now and then we looked around at the guests and listened to their stories with excitement. The men drank beer or wine and some smoked a cigarette or even a cigar. Now they could rest a little until the wood was loaded. The cart was loaded with wood up to the top. In the afternoon they went home. Georg and his daughter Elfriede had great respect for the Zeller Berg. Can the cows take the pressure of the heavily loaded wagon? Will...
We immediately organized a party in the common room. A record player and a loudspeaker system were available on site.We also played blind cow or hide ...
Gesundheit ist ein wichtiges Gut. Wer krank geworden ist, der wünscht sich wieder gesund zu werden. Ich wünsche dir Gesundheit. Hoffentlich geht es dir bald wieder besser. Wenn du dann wieder fit und gesund bist, dann erinnerst du dich vielleicht daran, wie es ist, wenn ein anderer Mensch gerade in einer Krankheit steckt. Ein Freund sagte mir, dass es in beiden Situationen möglich sei, zufrieden zu sein. Er meinte, dass er Menschen kenne, die zwar krank sind, aber dennoch zufriedener sind als andere die gesund sind. Was es nicht alles gibt. Ein Mensch der krank ist, kann zufriedener sein...
Gesundheit ist ein wichtiges Gut. Wer krank geworden ist, der wünscht sich wieder gesund zu werden. Ich wünsche dir Gesundheit. Hoffentlich geht es ...
As if by a miracle, all the girls were immediately asked to join in the dance.As soon as an English song has been played, all the girls sit down again.So we decided to hang up "je taim" all evening until midnight.All the French girls danced with us and we developed very pleasant feelings.Siegbert, our daredevil, was ready to bring the records to Augsfeld as soon as we paid his fuel.We pooled money for a tank load and Siegbert set off.After about two hours he was successfully back from his important mission.I immediately put on an English record.The number of girls had meanwhile increased to...
As if by a miracle, all the girls were immediately asked to join in the dance.As soon as an English song has been played, all the girls sit down again...
Friedrich, Rudi, Haßfurt Knetzgau, Augsfeld, Rieteriki, Wolf
Both were now as quiet as a mouse in their beds. Maria could not fall asleep yet. She didn't dare to ask Georg a question. Should she take the risk and speak to Georg. She wanted to ask him if he could imagine marrying her.No, she said to herself, I shouldn't ask him such a crude question.Georg felt the same way. He wanted to ask Maria, boldly and courageously, whether she would like to become his wife. Both behaved squeamishly. A risk for both.It would have been so easy to just ask the other person. But neither of them dared.Georg could hardly contain himself with excitement. He didn't even...
Both were now as quiet as a mouse in their beds. Maria could not fall asleep yet. She didn't dare to ask Georg a question. Should she take the risk an...
The three family members mostly stayed in the spacious kitchen. When we visited Siegbert, we found him in the kitchen. One of the three always sat on the hearth on the watercraft. It was never warm in this house. Siegbert's uncle either sat near the stove or he smoked his hand-rolled cigarettes and sat at the crowded kitchen table. The magazine "Stern" was always lying next to an overflowing ashtray in a tinny coffee cup. Siegbert's mother regularly combed her hair and looked at herself in the mirror over the cast washbasin. She sang the song: "A ship will come ... and that will bring me the...
The three family members mostly stayed in the spacious kitchen. When we visited Siegbert, we found him in the kitchen. One of the three always sat on ...
So who of you puts water on the stove? The water has to boil so that I can properly rinse the cookware again. A young girl from the village answered immediately. Now potatoes need to be peeled. Who is ready for this? An older farmer's wife was willing to do this. I also need a helper for the ribbon noodles. I can say that a little girl who wanted to collaborate in a lively manner. About seven or eight women and girls were now preparing the delicious dishes for the big festival in Buch in the Haßberg mountains. During this stay in Buch, the young Georg Niklaus became aware of Maria from...
So who of you puts water on the stove? The water has to boil so that I can properly rinse the cookware again. A young girl from the village answer...
Because the pungent tobacco aroma rose so much from our noses to our brains, we both couldn't suppress our "hatschi" and sneezed away. Grandfather laughed. Gell the gang rises tremendously in the sinuses of your noses. Today we had betrayed ourselves. A few days later we wanted to try the experiment again. We grabbed the can from the window ledge and hid in the barn. I closed my eyes and took a decent amount of the tempting stimulant. Stopping the sneeze was impossible. Then it was my brother's turn. However, because we heard the barn door creak, we kept quiet as a mouse and Grandpa moved...
Because the pungent tobacco aroma rose so much from our noses to our brains, we both couldn't suppress our "hatschi" and sneezed away. Grandfather lau...
After a wet spring, all plants grow vigorously in nature. As soon as the sun warms the soil more and more, the growth can almost be seen with the naked eye. It was most noticeable in the months of May and June for the beets that were sown. However, this phenomenon is not only to the delight of farmers. In addition to the crops, weeds also grow in competition. There is a real food envy. In the 1970s, weeds were still tackled conventionally with a hoe and by hand. The farmers were grateful for any help. Mali, a good friend of our family, broke down. We both Amalie, as she wrote herself, and I...
After a wet spring, all plants grow vigorously in nature. As soon as the sun warms the soil more and more, the growth can almost be seen with the nake...
However, the gatekeeper drew our attention to his so important work. e.g. when the phone rang in his house. After his short phone call, we immediately heard the barrier bell ringing. Sound, sound, sound ... The barrier went down a little heavily on both sides of the tracks. For me it still took an eternity before a train finally rushed through. Then we visited the gatekeeper from time to time in his heated bus shelter. In addition to the large crank for the barrier, there was also a small coal stove in the room. The slope that reached Tiny to the rear of the property was ideal for a trip with...
However, the gatekeeper drew our attention to his so important work. e.g. when the phone rang in his house. After his short phone call, we imm...
Weather regions , Climate zones, Glory, Powerful, Haßfurt Knetzgau, Augsfeld
Nicht nur in Kalifornien sind die Brunnen und Zisternen ohne Wasser. Weil die Niederschläge in den letzten Jahren in weiten Teilen der Welt ausbleiben, müssen die Behörden auch in Europa einen Dürrenotstand ausrufen. In der Poebene vertrocknen die Reisfelder. Trotzdem sprudeln egoistische Neureiche ihre Swimming Pools mit klarem und kostbarem Trinkwasser bis an den Rand voll. Genauso sprengen unvernünftige Egoisten in der Mittagshitze ihren Zierrasen. Hauptsache ihr kleines Paradies ist saftig grün. Klar sind wir in diesem Teil der Welt verwöhnt mit frischem sauberem Trinkwasser. In...
Nicht nur in Kalifornien sind die Brunnen und Zisternen ohne Wasser. Weil die Niederschläge in den letzten Jahren in weiten Teilen der Welt ausbleibe...