Muhammad, Muhammad Alhaji, Alhassan, Yohanna John, Sanchi, Ishaq Danbauchi
About the bookThe book titled: the roles of rural community leadership in agricultural extension service delivery lucidly explains the concept of rural leaders, concepts of leadership as it relates to rural setting, theories of leadership, procedures for selecting rural leaders, various styles of rural leadership, attributes of effective leadership in rural areas, role of rural leadership in agricultural extension programmes, role of agricultural extension service delivery in leadership quality development, importance of rural leadership in extension and ways of enhancing sustainable rural...
About the bookThe book titled: the roles of rural community leadership in agricultural extension service delivery lucidly explains the concept of rura...
The book critically explains the growth and development of agricultural markets in Kent. It decisively describes in clear terms the benefits that can be derived by farmers when participated in agricultural product markets, the benefits could be economic, social, health and environmental in nature. The book categorically compared the Canterbury and Rochester farmers markets in terms of demography of the consumers, how each of the market operates, consumer attitude towards agricultural products, consumer awareness of the existence of farmers markets, type of product purchased by the consumer,...
The book critically explains the growth and development of agricultural markets in Kent. It decisively describes in clear terms the benefits that can ...
Das Buch erklärt kritisch das Wachstum und die Entwicklung der Agrarmärkte in Kent. Es beschreibt in eindeutiger Weise den Nutzen, den Landwirte bei der Teilnahme an Agrarproduktmärkten erzielen können, der Nutzen kann wirtschaftlicher, sozialer, gesundheitlicher und ökologischer Natur sein. Das Buch verglich die Bauernmärkte von Canterbury und Rochester kategorisch in Bezug auf die Demografie der Verbraucher, die Funktionsweise der einzelnen Märkte, die Einstellung der Verbraucher zu landwirtschaftlichen Produkten, das Bewusstsein der Verbraucher für die Existenz von Bauernmärkten,...
Das Buch erklärt kritisch das Wachstum und die Entwicklung der Agrarmärkte in Kent. Es beschreibt in eindeutiger Weise den Nutzen, den Landwirte bei...