Lifestyle is linked with clinically measured oral health. Lifestyle, as measured by smoking, alcohol consumption, dietary habits and physical activity, which are cardiovascular risk factors, is associated with dental caries, periodontal health and denture stomatitis. Lifestyle is related with some, but not all, of the background or predisposing factors of oral diseases. Lifestyle explains a great part of the differences in oral health between socioeconomic groups and between males and females. Lifestyle may be an indispensable explanatory factor connecting oral and general health. Hence,...
Lifestyle is linked with clinically measured oral health. Lifestyle, as measured by smoking, alcohol consumption, dietary habits and physical activity...
Der Lebensstil ist mit der klinisch gemessenen Mundgesundheit verbunden. Der Lebensstil, gemessen an Rauchen, Alkoholkonsum, Ernährungsgewohnheiten und körperlicher Aktivität, die zu den kardiovaskulären Risikofaktoren gehören, ist mit Zahnkaries, Parodontitis und Prothesenstomatitis verbunden. Die Lebensweise ist mit einigen, aber nicht allen Hintergrund- oder prädisponierenden Faktoren von Mundkrankheiten verbunden. Die Lebensweise erklärt einen großen Teil der Unterschiede in der Mundgesundheit zwischen sozioökonomischen Gruppen und zwischen Männern und Frauen. Der Lebensstil...
Der Lebensstil ist mit der klinisch gemessenen Mundgesundheit verbunden. Der Lebensstil, gemessen an Rauchen, Alkoholkonsum, Ernährungsgewohnheiten u...
A block chain is a distributed, public ledger, recording transaction and tracking assets, and of which immutability is guaranteed by a peer-to-peer network of computers, not by any centralized authority. Assets can be tangible, such as homes or cash, or they can be intangible, such as patents or copyrights. A block chain consists of ordered records arranged in a block structure. Each data block contains a hash (digital fingerprint or unique identifier), time stamped batches of recent transactions and a hash of the previous block. With this design, each block is connected in chronological...
A block chain is a distributed, public ledger, recording transaction and tracking assets, and of which immutability is guaranteed by a peer-to-peer ne...