Today I found something great, look the clock was just lying there on the side of the path. At first I couldn't believe my eyes and thought it was just a discarded, empty candy wrapper. But look, it's a nice wristwatch from Junghans. The leather strap is no longer noticeable due to the frost and the snow that has now thawed away. The winter has just left its mark, but the clockwork is still working. The hair grows about one centimeter per month without fertilizer. In one year that will be 12 cm. Once a year is not enough to get your hair cut. When my brother and I were growing up, we went to...
Today I found something great, look the clock was just lying there on the side of the path. At first I couldn't believe my eyes and thought it was jus...
With a dynamic and remarkable perseverance, we undermined this heap of straw so perfectly that we ourselves were amazed at our creativity. On the first night, three buddies even stayed in our new house. Because it was school holidays, we were able to visit them early in the morning. We brought them something to eat and drink and then continued building. When we left the castle, we pushed a suitable tuft of straw into the entrance hole and, as a precaution, checked the area to make sure that everything really looked as if nothing had happened. Until the end of the summer vacation we lived in...
With a dynamic and remarkable perseverance, we undermined this heap of straw so perfectly that we ourselves were amazed at our creativity. On the firs...
We camouflaged our project in a corn field in the direction of the barrage. In the middle of the field under two-meter-high maize plants everyone got a cigar. Lighting the cigar with the match and getting a full load of smoke was a disappointment. Ugh, they're strong. White smoke rose from the cornfield. We stopped pulling the lungs with it. But puffed until only a stump remained. Certainly the filter cigarettes taste better, we thought. So we bought a pack of HB cigarettes. We divided this pack among ourselves and started smoking. The enjoyment wasn't that satisfying either, but we didn't...
We camouflaged our project in a corn field in the direction of the barrage. In the middle of the field under two-meter-high maize plants everyone ...
Im Westen Deutschland, im Osten Russland. Polen lag immer dazwischen. Russland vereinnahmte seit 1815 das gesamte polnische Territorium. Die russischen Zaren herrschten bis 1863 in dem Land. Das polnische Volk lehnte sich nun gegen die Fremdherrschaft auf. Allerdings schlug der russische Zar gnadenlos zurück. Über 400 Hinrichtungen wurden vollstreckt. Die Verwaltung und die Justiz wurden komplett russifiziert. Weit über 10 000 Verurteilungen zur Zwangsarbeit und mehr als 18 000 Menschen wurden nach Sibirien verschleppt. Ein paar Jahrzehnte später 1939 überfiel Hitler das polnische Land....
Im Westen Deutschland, im Osten Russland. Polen lag immer dazwischen. Russland vereinnahmte seit 1815 das gesamte polnische Territorium. Die russische...
Gesundheit ist ein wichtiges Gut. Wer krank geworden ist, der wünscht sich wieder gesund zu werden. Ich wünsche dir Gesundheit. Hoffentlich geht es dir bald wieder besser. Wenn du dann wieder fit und gesund bist, dann erinnerst du dich vielleicht daran, wie es ist, wenn ein anderer Mensch gerade in einer Krankheit steckt. Ein Freund sagte mir, dass es in beiden Situationen möglich sei, zufrieden zu sein. Er meinte, dass er Menschen kenne, die zwar krank sind, aber dennoch zufriedener sind als andere die gesund sind. Was es nicht alles gibt. Ein Mensch der krank ist, kann zufriedener sein...
Gesundheit ist ein wichtiges Gut. Wer krank geworden ist, der wünscht sich wieder gesund zu werden. Ich wünsche dir Gesundheit. Hoffentlich geht es ...
As if by a miracle, all the girls were immediately asked to join in the dance.As soon as an English song has been played, all the girls sit down again.So we decided to hang up "je taim" all evening until midnight.All the French girls danced with us and we developed very pleasant feelings.Siegbert, our daredevil, was ready to bring the records to Augsfeld as soon as we paid his fuel.We pooled money for a tank load and Siegbert set off.After about two hours he was successfully back from his important mission.I immediately put on an English record.The number of girls had meanwhile increased to...
As if by a miracle, all the girls were immediately asked to join in the dance.As soon as an English song has been played, all the girls sit down again...
The three family members mostly stayed in the spacious kitchen. When we visited Siegbert, we found him in the kitchen. One of the three always sat on the hearth on the watercraft. It was never warm in this house. Siegbert's uncle either sat near the stove or he smoked his hand-rolled cigarettes and sat at the crowded kitchen table. The magazine "Stern" was always lying next to an overflowing ashtray in a tinny coffee cup. Siegbert's mother regularly combed her hair and looked at herself in the mirror over the cast washbasin. She sang the song: "A ship will come ... and that will bring me the...
The three family members mostly stayed in the spacious kitchen. When we visited Siegbert, we found him in the kitchen. One of the three always sat on ...
So who of you puts water on the stove? The water has to boil so that I can properly rinse the cookware again. A young girl from the village answered immediately. Now potatoes need to be peeled. Who is ready for this? An older farmer's wife was willing to do this. I also need a helper for the ribbon noodles. I can say that a little girl who wanted to collaborate in a lively manner. About seven or eight women and girls were now preparing the delicious dishes for the big festival in Buch in the Haßberg mountains. During this stay in Buch, the young Georg Niklaus became aware of Maria from...
So who of you puts water on the stove? The water has to boil so that I can properly rinse the cookware again. A young girl from the village answer...