There are many reasons for the phenomenon of blackout in Sudan, some of them are the electrical defects in the power generation plants, operation defects, human errors and the out-service plants. The complete blackout affects the mechanical parts in the power generation plants. In the recent years the phenomenon of complete blackout happened many times in Sudan and causes several problems and defects in the power generation plants. First time, complete blackout happened in August 2011, then twice in December 2013, and in May 2015. In 2016 complete blackout happened was repeated three times,...
There are many reasons for the phenomenon of blackout in Sudan, some of them are the electrical defects in the power generation plants, operation defe...
Alzeber, Hussein Ahmed Hussein, Farouk, Naeim, Khayal, Osama Mohammed Elmardi Suleiman
Hier wurde das Wärmekraftwerk Bahry als Fallstudie herangezogen, da es aufgrund dieses Phänomens stärker betroffen ist. Im Block Nr. 6, bei dem es sich um ein Dampfkraftwerk handelt, waren beide Wellen der Hochdruck- und Niederdruckturbine schwer defekt. Andere Defekte wurden an den Kurbelwellensitzen und den Ölringen in den Hochdruck- und Niederdruckturbinen festgestellt. All diese Defekte wurden hauptsächlich durch eine hohe Reibung zwischen den rotierenden Teilen aufgrund unzureichender Schmierung verursacht, die auftritt, wenn die Schmiermittelzirkulation und die Ölpumpen durch den...
Hier wurde das Wärmekraftwerk Bahry als Fallstudie herangezogen, da es aufgrund dieses Phänomens stärker betroffen ist. Im Block Nr. 6, bei dem es ...
Alzeber, Hussein Ahmed Hussein, Farouk, Naeim, Khayal, Osama Mohammed Elmardi Suleiman
Here Bahry Thermal Power Plant was taken as a case study since it is more affected due to this phenomenon. In unit No. 6, which is steam power plant, both shafts of the high pressure and low pressure turbines were seriously defected. Other defects were noticed in the crankshaft seats and oil rings in high pressure and low pressure turbines. All those defects were mainly caused by high friction between rotating parts due to insufficient lubrication which is happened when lubricant circulation and oil pumps were suddenly stopped by the complete blackout. Also some defects were caused in the...
Here Bahry Thermal Power Plant was taken as a case study since it is more affected due to this phenomenon. In unit No. 6, which is steam power plant, ...