International award-winning writer, Ian Hooper is a passionate advocate for Indie Authors and their ability to self-publish professionally. This 3rd edition of his beginner's guide navigates you through the use of eBook and print, 'Print on Demand' suppliers so that you can successfully self-publish your first book with ease. Also included is a guide to producing your own Audio Books. Given his thirty plus years' experience as a professional instructor and lecturer, Ian details the steps you need to take in an unhurried, plainly written and often humorous way. Explaining how to use the...
International award-winning writer, Ian Hooper is a passionate advocate for Indie Authors and their ability to self-publish professionally. This 3r...
An illustrated collection of daft, sometimes sad and occasionally thought provoking verses. Illustrations by Alison Mutton. This little book of verse and rhyme, Will help you while away the time. No highbrow poems are tucked away, Just simple odes to cheer your day. Enjoy them all, the sketches too, A pleasant gift, from me to you.
An illustrated collection of daft, sometimes sad and occasionally thought provoking verses. Illustrations by Alison Mutton. This little book of verse ...