The perfect gift for lawyers and law students "There is no denying it, Satan has the legal landscape dialed." -- Gabriel "Impressive book." -- John Milton "See? This is exactly what I was talking about." -- William Blake It is not every day that the Prince of Darkness himself writes a book. Satan's Advice to Young Lawyers is a pithy guide to rising from lowly first-year associate to renowned leader of the legal community. Inside the pages of this remarkable book, Satan offers his profound counsel on topics as diverse as...
The perfect gift for lawyers and law students "There is no denying it, Satan has the legal landscape dialed." -- Gabriel "Impressive book."...
The perfect gift for new parents. Seriously. Becoming a parent changes your life forever. Every choice you make for your new baby will have lasting, possibly life-long consequences. Parenting advice is tossed your way from all sides, but who should you trust? The most trustworthy source might surprise you: Satan. Based on Satan's observations and interactions with humanity over the course of millennia, Satan's Advice for the New Parent is a concise parenting manual, ideal for the sleep-deprived new parent. Topics covered include: the one...
The perfect gift for new parents. Seriously. Becoming a parent changes your life forever. Every choice you make for your new baby will have ...