Isabel Ortiz, Louise Moreira Daniels, Solrun Engilbertsdottir
The 21st century starts with vast inequalities for children in terms of income, access to food, water, health, education, housing, or employment for their families. Half of the worlds children are below the poverty line of $2 a day and suffer from multiple deprivations and violations to basic human rights. More than 22,000 children die each day, and most of their deaths are preventable. This volume presents some of the critical acknowledged voices to move a necessary agenda forward. It explains multidimensional poverty measurements, describes current trends and presents policies to reduce...
The 21st century starts with vast inequalities for children in terms of income, access to food, water, health, education, housing, or employment for t...
The worlds financial and economic crisis has taken a toll on children and poor households. High food and commodity prices, unemployment and austerity measures have aggravated persistent inequalities and contributed to a substantial rise in hunger and social tensions. Now, more than ever, investments for the worlds poor are needed to recover lost ground in pursuit of development objectives. People everywhere are demanding change. This book describes the social impacts of the crisis, policy responses to date and United Nations alternative proposals for A Recovery for All.
With a foreword...
The worlds financial and economic crisis has taken a toll on children and poor households. High food and commodity prices, unemployment and austerity ...
This volume showcases universal old-age and disability pensions as well as universal maternity and child protection schemes in developing countries like Argentina, Bolivia, Cabo Verde, China, Colombia, Lesotho, Mongolia, Rwanda, South Africa, Thailand, Timor Leste and Trinidad and Tobago. The volumes in this ILO series present best country experiences, useful for South-South learning, for practitioners, and to provide the basis for better informed policy-making.
This volume showcases universal old-age and disability pensions as well as universal maternity and child protection schemes in developing countries li...
This volume presents innovative approaches to expand social protection coverage such as schemes for migrants in China, Bolsa Verde in Brazil, employment injury insurance in Bangladesh and Malaysia, the rural employment guarantee in India, schemes to address climate change in China and Philippines, child benefits in El Salvador and South Africa and a monotax in Uruguay to promote formalization and protection of workers. The volumes in this ILO series present best country experiences, useful for South-South learning, for practitioners, and to provide the basis for better informed...
This volume presents innovative approaches to expand social protection coverage such as schemes for migrants in China, Bolsa Verde in Brazil, employme...
This volume describes mechanisms to build social protection floors, such as a national dialogue in Myanmar, reaching rural dwellers in South Africa, worker facilitation centres in India, single window services in Mongolia, legal systems in Brazil and South Africa, labour inspection in China, registration in Colombia and Thailand and several innovations in financing social protection in Bolivia, Ecuador, Indonesia and Zambia. The volumes in this ILO series present best country experiences, useful for South-South learning, for practitioners, and to provide the basis for better informed...
This volume describes mechanisms to build social protection floors, such as a national dialogue in Myanmar, reaching rural dwellers in South Africa, w...