This book aims to develop systematic design methodologies to model-based nonlinear control of aeroengines, focusing on (1) modelling of aeroengine systems—both component-level and identification-based models will be extensively studied and compared; and (2) advanced nonlinear control designs—set-point control, transient control and limit-protection control approaches will all be investigated. The model-based design has been one of the pivotal technologies to advanced control and health management of propulsion systems. It can fulfil advanced designs such as fault-tolerant...
This book aims to develop systematic design methodologies to model-based nonlinear control of aeroengines, focusing on (1) modelling of aeroen...
The book is motivated by the pivotal issue: what is the performance limit of active control and energy harvesting? It aims to develop systematic design methodologies with a “visualization technique” where the performance limit can be readily determined solely based on visual inspections.
Modern technological systems have evolved toward high speed, heavy load, lightweight, flexible operation and extreme conditions, as demonstrated in aerospace, marine, transportation and manufacturing industries. The associated vibration and noise issues have become such problematic that they may...
The book is motivated by the pivotal issue: what is the performance limit of active control and energy harvesting? It aims to develop systematic de...
The book is motivated by the pivotal issue: what is the performance limit of active control and energy harvesting? It aims to develop systematic design methodologies with a “visualization technique” where the performance limit can be readily determined solely based on visual inspections.
Modern technological systems have evolved toward high speed, heavy load, lightweight, flexible operation and extreme conditions, as demonstrated in aerospace, marine, transportation and manufacturing industries. The associated vibration and noise issues have become such problematic that they may...
The book is motivated by the pivotal issue: what is the performance limit of active control and energy harvesting? It aims to develop systematic de...