Estela and her Christmas Sandwich Catastrophe is a tale about a moose named Estela who lives in Moose Town, NY and struggles to overcome her childhood displeasures of eating sandwiches. Rockefeller Centre Christmas tree and a few karaoke-voiced construction workers help Estela discover the merry in sandwiches.
Estela and her Christmas Sandwich Catastrophe is a tale about a moose named Estela who lives in Moose Town, NY and struggles to overcome her childhood...
Estela and her Christmas Sandwich Catastrophe is a tale about a moose named Estela who lives in Moose Town, NY and struggles to overcome her childhood displeasures of eating sandwiches. Rockefeller Centre Christmas tree and a few karaoke-voiced construction workers help Estela discover the merry in sandwiches.
Estela and her Christmas Sandwich Catastrophe is a tale about a moose named Estela who lives in Moose Town, NY and struggles to overcome her childhood...