A gripping tale of love, loss, and hope unfolds on the planet of Etherea.... Ainsland, a virgin widow fleeing from her husband's murderer, and Collum, a healer who possesses supernatural abilities, are brought together by circumstance. What begins as a marriage of convenience for the couple evolves into one of great love and passion. Yet, Collum's tragic past and the ever-looming threat of Ainsland's vengeful pursuer's appearance in their close-knit rural community overshadow their ability to be truly content. When evil strikes and all seems lost, will it be the resilient, headstrong Ainsland...
A gripping tale of love, loss, and hope unfolds on the planet of Etherea.... Ainsland, a virgin widow fleeing from her husband's murderer, and Collum,...
Neile Landry, a talented corporate interpreter, must face her past fears and rethink her future plans when she's confronted with deception, threats to her life, and murder. Her wealthy employer dies in a suspicious car accident that also critically injures her best friend, leading Neile to form an unlikely partnership with Scotsman Ewen Erskine, whose uncle died unexpectedly that same night. As secret plans for a global healthcare network are revealed, more deaths follow. Neile soon finds herself in a personal as well as professional relationship with Erskine as they work together in their...
Neile Landry, a talented corporate interpreter, must face her past fears and rethink her future plans when she's confronted with deception, threats to...
A young widower fights to overcome substance abuse and emotional instability as his daughter attempts to find solace for them despite overwhelming odds. Set in southern Louisiana, Over, Under, Across & Through tells the story of Tristan and Sarah Maes and their extended family. Spanning the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, the novel explores how the father and daughter and those closest to them confront abuse, neglect, and deception. While Tristan grapples with the loss of his wife and his subsequent battle with alcohol and drugs, Sarah strives to carve out a normal life for herself. This is made...
A young widower fights to overcome substance abuse and emotional instability as his daughter attempts to find solace for them despite overwhelming odd...
Tabitha, adopted daughter of Jordan and Noah, finds herself kidnapped by slave traders and spirited away from her home country of Amare. Beautiful, gentle, and capable, Tabitha, an artist, is determined not to be sold into slavery. The birthmarks on the back of her left shoulder that resemble Etherea's two moons might ensure that she's never purchased, but they might also result in her death. Arrogant, brilliant, and successful, Alexi is an inventor and businessman who doesn't approve of slavery. Yet, he's compelled to buy Tabitha, both to save her and to solve many of his own problems in his...
Tabitha, adopted daughter of Jordan and Noah, finds herself kidnapped by slave traders and spirited away from her home country of Amare. Beautiful, ge...