Many new traders have little capital available in the beginning, but this is not an obstacle to starting a trading career anyway.
However, this book is not about how to grow a $500 account into a $500,000 account. It is precisely these exaggerated return expectations that bring most beginners to failure.
Instead, the author shows, in a realistic way, how you can become a full-time trader in spite of limited start-up capital. This applies both for traders who want to remain private, as well as for those who want to...
How to start a Trading Business with $500
Many new traders have little capital available in the beginning, but this is not an obstacl...
Dank der Einfuhrung des Mini-DAX-Futures (Kurzel: FDXM) bekommen Privatanleger mit kleineren Konten nun auch die Moglichkeit den deutschen Index DAX zu professionellen Konditionen zu scalpen. Im Gegensatz zu den meisten anderen Trading-Instrumenten sind Futures die transparenteste und gunstigste Moglichkeit in den Finanzmarkten Geld zu verdienen.
Scalper haben unendlich viel mehr Trading-Gelegenheiten als Positionstrader oder Daytrader, was die eigentliche Starke dieses Trading-Stiles ausmacht. Ein Scalper kann sein Kapital von daher...
Wie scalpe ich den Mini-DAX-Future?
Dank der Einfuhrung des Mini-DAX-Futures (Kurzel: FDXM) bekommen Privatanleger mit kleineren Kont...
1. Willkommen zu Scalping macht Spa 2. Wie funktionieren Markte? 3. Was ist Trading? 4. Was ist Scalping? 5. Der HeikinAshi-Chart 6. Das Scalping-Setup 7. Risiko- und Money-Management 8. Treffen Sie eine Entscheidung
Buch 2: Beispiele aus der Praxis
1. Scalpen mit Technischer Analyse? 2. Wie interpretiere ich HeikinAshi-Charts? 3.Wann steige ich ein? 4.Wann steige ich aus? 5.Arbeiten mit Kurszielen oder nicht?...
Swing trading is too fast for investors and too slow for day traders. It takes place on a timeframe in which you will find very few professionals traders.
Swing traders usually use 4-hour charts. This period falls exactly between that of the investor and the day trader. As a swing trader, you are prone to sit on the fence, and that's good, because here you are almost alone.
This eBook describes the swing trading method of the Heikin Ashi Trader. It is ideal for individual investors...
Swing Trading using the 4-hour chart
Part 1: Introduction to Swing Trading
Swing trading is too fast for investors and too slo...
1. Warum Swingtrading? 2. Warum Sie mit dem 4-Stunden-Chart traden sollten? 3. Welche Markte sind fur Swingtrading geeignet? 4. Mit welchen Instrumenten konnen Sie swingtraden? 5. Swingtrading-Setups A. Unterstutzung und Widerstand B. Doppeltop und Doppelboden C. Ausbruche (Breakouts) D. Flaggen und Wimpel 6. Money Management 7. Trading Tagebuch 8. Worum geht es?
Swing Trading using the 4-hour chart 1-3: 3 Manuscripts
Part 1: Introduction to Swing Trading
Swing trading is too fast for investors and too slow for day traders. It takes place on a timeframe in which you will find very few professionals traders.
Swing traders usually use 4-hour charts. This period falls exactly between that of the investor and the day trader. As a swing trader, you are prone to sit on the fence, and that's good, because here you are almost alone.
This book describes the swing trading method of the Heikin Ashi Trader. It is ideal...
Swing Trading using the 4-hour chart 1-3: 3 Manuscripts
In the third part of the series on "Swing Trading using the 4-hour chart," the Heikin Ashi Trader treats the question on where the stop should be. Once a trader stops introducing stops, he will discover that his hit rate will worsen. However, by doing this he gains full control of the trade management. Stops are therefore not unavoidable, but remain an integral part of a trading system that is profit-oriented.
Well understood stops are downright the actual instrument that makes profit possible....
Swing Trading using the 4-hour chart
Part 3: Where Do I Put My Stop?
In the third part of the series on "Swing Trading using t...
In the second part of the series "Swing Trading using the 4-hour chart" the HeikinAshi Trader speaks about the phenomenon of stop fishing and Fakeouts as well as the many deceptions that major players and algorithms stage in today's financial markets. These often seem more the rule than the exception.
But these circumstances are what a clever swing trader can exploit by turning the tables. Instead of falling for the many tricks of the Smart Money, he can learn how to identify their tracks in the chart....
Swing Trading with the 4-hour chart
Part 2: Trade the Fake
In the second part of the series "Swing Trading using the 4-hour c...
1. Come Diventare un Trader con soli 500 aDisposizione?
Come Avviareun'AttivitaRedditizia di Trading con 500 La maggior parte dei nuovioperatoriinizia con un piccolo conto. La somma puoesserediversa, ma quasi tutti i trader desideranoaumentare il loro piccolo capitale al piu presto possibile.
Questanecessita e naturale e comprensibile, ma la voglia di farecosi in fretta e il seme per il fallimentofuturoBio: Sull'Autore: HeikinAshi Trader e lopseudonimo di un trader che ha piu di 15 anni di esperienzanel trading giornaliero su futures e forex.
Si e specializzato...
1. Come Diventare un Trader con soli 500 aDisposizione?
Come Avviareun'AttivitaRedditizia di Trading con 500 La maggior parte dei nuo...