Why has there been such an increase in the number of Presbyterian congregations celebrating the Lord's Supper every week? Come and See explores the following causes: generational change, ecumenical convergence, revisiting Reformed roots, heightened interest in spirituality, new perspectives offered by ritual studies, and the postmodern opening to a deeper appreciation of Scripture. Worship that is a balance of Word and Sacrament is incarnationally serious, recognizing that human persons are embodied beings who bring to worship all of our senses--not only the ability to process words....
Why has there been such an increase in the number of Presbyterian congregations celebrating the Lord's Supper every week? Come and See explores the fo...
In the past three-plus decades, a significant conversation has taken place among American Protestants about worship. As a result, countless books have been written on the subject. We have read books on music and worship, ancient-future worship, worship as spiritual formation, worship and the arts, worship and children, even life as worship. Listen to that conversation, however, and you will notice one word conspicuously absent. While the heart and soul of the Christian life is love, and while the apostle Paul (I Corinthians 13) insists that worship without love fails to be worship, recent...
In the past three-plus decades, a significant conversation has taken place among American Protestants about worship. As a result, countless books have...