In this sequel to "Karneval in Koln," Dino is making his way into the heart of Munich, capital of the Free State of Bavaria and home of the world-famous Oktoberfest. Bewildered by the Bavarian dialect and trying to get his head around local cuisine and customs, he finally lands a steady new job in a legendary location. But it's only so long before a new acquaintance and the world's largest funfair catapult him out of his everyday routine.
Explore the wonders of Munich in the autumn, learn about local sights and sounds, and improve your German effortlessly along the way...
In this sequel to "Karneval in Koln," Dino is making his way into the heart of Munich, capital of the Free State of Bavaria and home of the worl...
This is the sequel to Shanima, and the conclusion of the Aschkalon trilogy, the interactive fantasy adventure for German learners. The evil prince Katano has withdrawn to the secret realm of shadows, from where he plans to unleash an army of unspeakable terror onto the world. Only you can confront him. But will you withstand the temptation of dark forces yourself? This interactive adventure ebook for German learners puts the reader at the heart of the action. Boost your grammar by engaging in sword fights, improve your conversation skills by interacting with interesting people and enhance...
This is the sequel to Shanima, and the conclusion of the Aschkalon trilogy, the interactive fantasy adventure for German learners. The evil prince Kat...