Rescued from a horrendous carriage accident, Stella becomes imperiled by her saviors—a group of impossibly gorgeous young men who thirst for her blood. After a horrific carriage accident, Stella Violetta awakens in a Gothic mansion to find that her saviors are gorgeous young men. The manor’s residents let her stay as a maid, but Stella soon realizes that their allure hides a savage thirst. Yearning leads to danger when mansion resident Levi starves himself for Stella’s sake. To save him, Stella must journey into his soul while he’s unconscious and confront the nun Luchia’s grasp...
Rescued from a horrendous carriage accident, Stella becomes imperiled by her saviors—a group of impossibly gorgeous young men who thirst for her blo...
Rescued from a horrendous carriage accident, Stella becomes imperiled by her saviors—a group of impossibly gorgeous young men who thirst for her blood. After a horrific carriage accident, Stella Violetta awakens in a Gothic mansion to find that her saviors are gorgeous young men. The manor’s residents let her stay as a maid, but Stella soon realizes that their allure hides a savage thirst. Gilbert reappears to warn Stella about sweet and friendly Yoel. Can she trust the man who attacked her? Stella also fends off Friedrich’s advances while deepening her relationship with Levi. As the...
Rescued from a horrendous carriage accident, Stella becomes imperiled by her saviors—a group of impossibly gorgeous young men who thirst for her blo...
Rescued from a horrendous carriage accident, Stella becomes imperiled by her saviors—a group of impossibly gorgeous young men who thirst for her blood. After a horrific carriage accident, Stella Violetta awakens in a Gothic mansion to find that her saviors are gorgeous young men. The manor’s residents let her stay as a maid, but Stella soon realizes that their allure hides a savage thirst. Desperate for Stella’s affection, Yoel stabs Levi, who reconsiders his desire to protect the other nonhumans. Stella searches through Rosémary’s notes to find a way to awaken Yoel after the...
Rescued from a horrendous carriage accident, Stella becomes imperiled by her saviors—a group of impossibly gorgeous young men who thirst for her blo...