""Theory of Evolution is a theory that applies to explain the structure of all living things, has recently become very much debated. In particular, the main impact of Evolution Theory rolled out with emphasis on the evidence, all at once to explain the complex nature of living things can not explain all of them sought the answer to the question. This study also, recently, especially Richard Dawkins, published by the ideas of creation and the recent rise of anti materialist / atheist framework, developing a realistic response."" "Evrim Teorisi'nin tum canlilarin yapisini aciklayabilecek kadar...
""Theory of Evolution is a theory that applies to explain the structure of all living things, has recently become very much debated. In particular, th...
Qur'an verse Doomsday facing many calculations have dealt with the spiritual, in the form of a small booklet, but the content and the issues addressed in this important we did well with a wide, which will take place again last judgement many important religious issues and portents of apocalypse short by a short summary of the results obtained in parts alone to point out, 33 windows and 33 occurred confidante, in total 66 items were noted. "KUR'AN-I HAKIM'de KIYAMET'e ve AH
Qur'an verse Doomsday facing many calculations have dealt with the spiritual, in the form of a small booklet, but the content and the issues addressed...
"Isevilik ve isa a.s. ile ilgili Hristiyan bakis acilari cok ve farklidir. Ele aldigimiz 600 sayfadan olusan bu onemli eserimizde, Hz. isa'nin getirdigi Tevhid dini olan isevilik, yapilan eklemelerle, Hz. isa'n
"Isevilik ve isa a.s. ile ilgili Hristiyan bakis acilari cok ve farklidir. Ele aldigimiz 600 sayfadan olusan bu onemli eserimizde, Hz. isa'nin getirdi...
"YARATILIS konusunu SORU-CEVAP seklinde ele aldigimiz bu ikinci cildimizde, son zamanlarda, ozellikle Bati dunyasinda yayilan ve RICHARD DAWKINS gibi Materyalist Evrimci bilim adamlarinin yayinladigi Yaratilis karsiti fikirlere ve son zamanlarda yukselise gecen Materyalist/Ateist cercevede gelisen yaratilis karsiti fikirlere de EN GERCEKCI bir cevap niteligindedir. Yaratilis konusunu en basitten, yani gunluk yasamda s
"YARATILIS konusunu SORU-CEVAP seklinde ele aldigimiz bu ikinci cildimizde, son zamanlarda, ozellikle Bati dunyasinda yayilan ve RICHARD DAWKINS gibi ...
"Isaac Newton was a shy, quiet boy growing up on a farm in England 300 years ago. He was not a very good student and nobody paid much attention to him. Nobody that is, except the school bully. One day the bully punched Isaac in the stomach. That hurt, and that got Isaac very mad Isaac pushed the bully onto the ground and rubbed his face in the mud. All the other kids hated the bully and came and cheered for Isaac. So Isaac taught the bully a lesson, but he wasn't satisfied with that.So he started paying attention to school and studying hard. He was soon the top of his class, proving he was...
"Isaac Newton was a shy, quiet boy growing up on a farm in England 300 years ago. He was not a very good student and nobody paid much attention to him...
"Isaac Newton was a shy, quiet boy growing up on a farm in England 300 years ago. He was not a very good student and nobody paid much attention to him. Nobody that is, except the school bully. One day the bully punched Isaac in the stomach. That hurt, and that got Isaac very mad Isaac pushed the bully onto the ground and rubbed his face in the mud. All the other kids hated the bully and came and cheered for Isaac. So Isaac taught the bully a lesson, but he wasn't satisfied with that.So he started paying attention to school and studying hard. He was soon the top of his class, proving he was...
"Isaac Newton was a shy, quiet boy growing up on a farm in England 300 years ago. He was not a very good student and nobody paid much attention to him...
"She is both dead and alive according to some left brains. But I want to give you the other story learning this by for everyday life and the daily nature plilosophical system. Now what is missing in our culture is an appreciation for the "Uncertain" but that this will be the foundation of a new science and that is what we are doing here. For about one hundred years the uncertainty principle has been reconfirmed in hundreds of experiments, which simply says you cannot measure all parameters like coordinates, impulse and so on of atomic particles but that there is a limit given by the...
"She is both dead and alive according to some left brains. But I want to give you the other story learning this by for everyday life and the daily nat...
On this Story, I don't want to bore you with the over and over told stories of the wave-particle duality and Schroedinger's cat... May be there are hundreds of books that do this. But I tell you a different and deeply story so relation to the paralel universe that contain from ancient Upanishads to modern String theory and beyond with simply forming "Four Equations" and "Four Stories.." She is both dead and alive according to some left brains. But I want to give you the story of what we can learn from this for everyday life and for our work with the daily nature plilosophical system.Now what...
On this Story, I don't want to bore you with the over and over told stories of the wave-particle duality and Schroedinger's cat... May be there are hu...
""Physics is all around us. It is in the electric light you turn on in the morning; the car you drive to work; your wristwatch, cell phone, CD player.. It makes the stars shine every night and the sun shine every day, and it makes a baseball soar into the stands for a home run. Physics is the science of matter, energy, space, and time. There are many fields of physics, for example: mechanics, electricity, heat, sound, light, condensed matter, atomic physics, nuclear physics, and elementary particle physics. Physics is the foundation of all the physical sciences-such as chemistry, material...
""Physics is all around us. It is in the electric light you turn on in the morning; the car you drive to work; your wristwatch, cell phone, CD player....
"Physics is all around us. It is in the electric light you turn on in the morning; the car you drive to work; your wristwatch, cell phone, CD player, radio, and that big plasma TV set you got for Christmas. It makes the stars shine every night and the sun shine every day, and it makes a baseball soar into the stands for a home run. Physics is the science of matter, energy, space, and time. It explains ordinary matter as combinations of a dozen fundamental particles (quarks and leptons), interacting through four fundamental forces. It describes the many forms of energy-such as kinetic energy,...
"Physics is all around us. It is in the electric light you turn on in the morning; the car you drive to work; your wristwatch, cell phone, CD player, ...