These exercises help to strengthen the gymnasts legs so that she can land with control and decrease the chance of injury to the lower body upon these landings. Some exercises specifically concentrate on the landing technique while others help develop strength. Keep in mind, that these drills should be incorporated into a balanced training program, to include general and sport-specific conditioning, speed, endurance, flexibility, and of course, skills, combinations, and routines
These exercises help to strengthen the gymnasts legs so that she can land with control and decrease the chance of injury to the lower body upon these ...
Gymnastics Drills and Conditioning for the Handstand should be extremely helpful for beginner gymnasts just learning the handstand. It should also be useful for the more advanced gymnasts in need of a friendly reminder on how to remain tight while performing skills involving or passing through the handstand. These drills are a necessity for all gymnasts because the handstand is the most important skill in gymnastics Topics: Specific Conditioning, Body Tightness, Handstand Shape, Keeping the Handstand Shape in Motion, and Planche Work.
Gymnastics Drills and Conditioning for the Handstand should be extremely helpful for beginner gymnasts just learning the handstand. It should also be ...
Gymnastics Journal. Keeping a gymnastics journal is a great way to set goals and preserve memories. There are spaces for gymnastics competition scores, event goals, future goals, and much more You should have enough space for more than one season of meets. In one journal you'll be able to track your progress and your goals from year to year. Written by a very experienced coach, she helped her gymnasts set goals, achieve them, and even surpass them often. Karen Goeller's gymnasts have been State Champions and National TOPS Team Athletes among many other successful gymnasts.
Gymnastics Journal. Keeping a gymnastics journal is a great way to set goals and preserve memories. There are spaces for gymnastics competition scores...